Training in integrity. The FVMP staff receives the Valencian Antifraud Agency


The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency (AVAF) and the Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FVMP) continue their collaboration in prevention and training in integrity and the fight against corruption with a new training session.

The FVMP staff has participated in this new conference with the aim of approaching the necessary integrity strategies that each and every one of the public administrations must develop.

Víctor Almonacid, director of Prevention, Training and Documentation of the AVAF gave the presentation “From anti-fraud plans to integrity plans” where he explained that by the new Law 1/2022, of Transparency of the Valencian Community it is mandatory that

  • the Valencian entities have ethical and conduct codes with a minimum legal content
  • the Valencian integrity system take into account in its design both the identification of the most relevant public identity risks and the prevention plans
  • and that public administrations adopt measures that promote a culture of planning and evaluation of services and public policies.

Amparo Martí, head of the Agency’s expert unit, announced the obligations related to the complaint mailboxes that all local entities of the Valencian Community must have and as the external complaint mailbox of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, complies as External mailbox for each and every one of the more than 500 local entities in the territory. To questions from the attendees, the mechanisms for the protection of whistleblowers and the current regulations on the matter were also addressed.

The attendees learned that the Agency provides legal advice to those who need it related to risks of fraud and corruption in the public administration.

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency has publications and resources to contribute to the learning of personnel at the service of the public sector. Find out here:

The AVAF and the FVMP have agreed to continue collaborating in the dissemination and support of town halls through training sessions.