The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency is governed by Law 9/2017, November 8, on Public Sector Contracts, by which the directives of the European Parliament and of the Council 2014/23 / EU, of November 26, are transposed into the Spanish legal system. February 2014.
- Access to the Official Register of contracts of the Generalitat not minors and minors
- Access to the Official Register of contracts of the Generalitat that are considered to be under 5,000 VAT included
Note: To search for the contracts of the Valencian Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption, select in ‘General Data’ in the field ‘Cons / Contracting Entity’ in the first drop-down ‘All’ and in the second drop-down ‘Agència of Prevention and Lluita against Frau and Corrupció ‘
Exception from payment of the fair compensation for private copying originated by the acquisition, by the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud of the Valencian Community, of equipment, devices and material supports in accordance with article 25.7 of the Intellectual Property Law. | |
Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12, 1996, approving the revised text of the Intellectual Property Law, regularizing, clarifying and harmonizing the legal provisions in force on the matter, contemplates the economic right of reproduction, which legitimizes the copyright holder of a work to authorize or prohibit the production of copies of the work. Royal Decree Law 12/2017, of July 3, amending the aforementioned Royal Legislative Decree revised the manner of remunerating copyright holders, with respect to the fair compensation system for private copying, by establishing a royalty to be paid by the end consumer when acquiring the goods, equipment and devices that allow the copying of works and performances protected by intellectual property rights. However, this Royal Decree Law includes exceptions to the payment of the fair compensation for private copying, among which are included the acquisition of equipment, devices and material supports for reproduction that are made by the entities that make up the public sector, being able to accredit this exception by means of a certification issued by the competent body of the corresponding Administration. Interested parties may download the electronic document by clicking on the following link: | |