The scope of action of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency is as follows:
- The administration of the Generalitat, the Consell, its Presidency and the Regional Ministries.
- The instrumental public sector of the Generalitat: autonomous bodies of the Generalitat, public business entities of the Generalitat and other public law entities, among which are commercial companies, public sector foundations and consortia attached to the Generalitat.
- Les Corts Valencianes, the Síndic de Greuges, the Sindicatura de Comptes, the Consell Valencià de Cultura, the Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua, the Economic and Social Committee, the Consell Jurídic Consultiu and any other similar statutory institution that may be created in the future , in relation to its administrative and budgetary activity.
- The entities that make up the local administration of the Valencian Community and the related or dependent public sector entities.
- Valencian public universities and related or dependent public sector entities.
- Public law corporations, in terms of activities subject to administrative law.
- Associations formed by public administrations, agencies and public entities.
- The activities of natural or legal persons that are concessionaires of services or recipients of public aid or subsidies, for the purposes of verifying the destination and use of the aid or subsidies.
- The activities of contractors and subcontractors that carry out works of the public administrations and entities of the instrumental public sector of the Generalitat or that are attributed the management of public services in relation to their accounting, economic and financial management and with the other obligations that derive of the contract or the law.
- Political parties, trade union organizations and business organizations.
- Any entity, regardless of the type or legal form, that is mostly financed by public administrations or is subject to their effective control.