Economic and financial management

In order to comply the established in art. 2 of Law 5/2016, of May 6, on Open Accounts for the Generalitat Valenciana, the movements and balances of the Agency’s bank accounts are published.

  • The Agency’s funds are deposited in a single current account of the financial entity CAIXABANK, SA, with CIF A08663619, and with address in València (46002) Cl Pintor Sorolla, 2-4 (Management Office 8681 CENT. INSTITUCIONS COMUNITAT VALENCIANA). With the number of bank ordinal in the accounting database 201. And with IBAN ES28 2100 8681 XXXX XXXX 8046.
  • The provision of fixed cash funds of the Economic Management Unit is deposited in a single current account of the financial entity CAIXABANK, SA, with CIF A08663619, and with address in València (46002) Cl Pintor Sorolla, 2-4 (Management Office 8681 CENT. VALENCIAN COMMUNITY INSTITUTIONS). With the number of bank ordinal in the 801 accounting database. And with IBAN ES10 2100 8681 XXXX XXXX 2290.
  • The ownership of the current accounts is the Agència de Prevenció i Lluita contra el Frau i la Corrupciò de la Comunitat Valenciana, with CIF: Q4601431B.

Fiscal Year 2024

Bank movements and balances

MovementsOperating Account – 201 – 8046 Budget movements – CollectionsCollectionsCollections
 Operating Account – 201 – 8046Budget movements – PaymentsPaymentsPayments
 Operating Account – 201 – 8046Extrabudgetary Movements (Receipts and Payments)Extrabudgetary MovementsExtrabudgetary movements
 Operating Account ACF Economic Management – 801 – 2290Extrabudgetary Movements (Receipts and Payments)Extrabudgetary movementsExtrabudgetary movements
Accumulated monthly balances  Accumulated balancesAccumulated balances

Fiscal Year 2023

Bank movements and balances

MovementsOperating Account – 201 – 8046 Budget movements – CollectionsCollectionsCollections
 Operating Account – 201 – 8046Budget movements – PaymentsPaymentsPayments
 Operating Account – 201 – 8046Extrabudgetary Movements (Receipts and Payments)Extrabudgetary MovementsExtrabudgetary movements
 Operating Account ACF Economic Management – 801 – 2290Extrabudgetary Movements (Receipts and Payments)Extrabudgetary movementsExtrabudgetary movements
Accumulated monthly balances  Accumulated balancesAccumulated balances

Fiscal year 2022

Bank movements and balances

MovementsOperating account

Extrabudgetary movements

IBAN: ES28 2100 8681 **** **** 8046

 Operating account

Extrabudgetary movements

IBAN: ES28 2100 8681 **** **** 2290


Movements Income

IBAN: ES28 2100 8681 **** **** 8046


Movements Payments

IBAN: ES28 2100 8681 **** **** 8046

Accumulated monthly balances  

Fiscal year 2021

Bank movements and balances

MovementsOperating account

Extrabudgetary movements

IBAN: ES** 210* **** **** **** *046


Movements Income

IBAN: ES** 210* **** **** **** *046


Movements Payments

IBAN: ES** 210* **** **** **** *046

Accumulated monthly balances  

Fiscal year 2020

Bank movements and balances

MovementsOperating account

Extrabudgetary movements

IBAN: ES** 210* **** **** **** *046


Movements Income

IBAN: ES** 210* **** **** **** *046


Movements Payments

IBAN: ES** 210* **** **** **** *046

Accumulated monthly balances  

Fiscal year 2018

Bank movements and balances first quarter

Operating accountMovements IBAN: ES** 210* **** **** **** *046
 Fixed cash accountMovimientos IBAN: ES** 210* **** **** **** *304
Balancesin March 31 2018 

Fiscal year 2017

Bank movements and balances

Operating accountMovements IBAN: ES** 210* **** **** **** *046
 Fixed cash accountMovements IBAN: ES** 210* **** **** **** *304
Balances in December 31 2017 

Fiscal year 2024

Final budget:

Budget Project 2024 (resolution)

General summary of expenses

Economic classification of income status

Funding tablet 

FP1 Summary of financial resources 

FP2 Disaggregation by expenditure chapters 

FP4 Performance report 

FP6 Annex of planned real investments 

FP7 Details of transfers and subsidies 

FP7 Details of transfers and subsidies – Annex

Budget execution:

Execution of budget of expenses and income budgetExecution of budget of expenses and income budget 2024Execution of budget of expenses and income budget 2024
Execution open data and comparative 2023Execution open data and comparative 2023Execution open data and comparative 2023

Fiscal year 2023

Final budget:

Publication BOCV Budget 2023 (BOCV 310/X dated 02.09.2023)

General summary of expenses by entities dependent on institutions of the Generalitat

Economic distribution by spending programs

Table of financing of entities dependent on institutions of the Generalitat 

FP1 Summary of financial resources 

FP2 Breakdown by expenditure chapters 

FP3 Detail of income assigned to programs 

FP4 Performance report 

FP6 Annex of planned real investments 

FP7 Detail of transfers and subsidies 

FP7 Detail of transfers and subsidies – Annex 

Budget execution:

Execution of budget of expenses and income budgetExecution of budget of expenses and income budget 2023Execution of budget of expenses and income budget 2023
Execution open data and comparative 2022 Execution open data and comparative 2022

Fiscal year 2022

Final budget:

Budget execution:

– 1st. trimester

Execution as of 03/31/2022 budget of expenses
Execution as of 03/31/2022 income budget
Execution as of 03/31/2022 open data and comparative 2021 

– 2n. trimester

Execution as of 06/30/2022 budget of expenses
Execution as of 06/30/2022 income budget
Execution as of 06/30/2022 open data and comparative 2021 

– 3rd. trimester

Execution as of 09/30/2022 budget of expensesGastosGastos
Execution as of 09/30/2022 income budgetIngresosIngresos
Execution as of 09/30/2022 open data and comparative 2021 Ejecución Presupuestaria

– 4th. trimester

Execution as of 12/31/2022 budget of expensesGastosGastos
Execution as of 12/31/2022 income budgetIngresosIngresos
Execution as of 12/31/2022 open data and comparative 2021 Ejecución Presupuestaria

Fiscal year 2021

Final budget:

Budget execution:

– 1st. trimester

– 2nd. trimester

Execution as of 06/30/2021 budget of expenses

Execution as of 06/30/2021 income budget

Execution as of 06/30/2021 open data and comparative 2020

– 3rd. trimester

Execution as of 09/30/2021 budget of expenses

Execution as of 09/30/2021 income budget

Execution as of 09/30/2021 open data and comparative 2020

– 4th. trimester

Execution as of 12/31/2021 budget of expenses

Execution as of 12/31/2021 income budget

Execution as of 12/31/2021 open data and comparative 2020

Fiscal year 2020

Budget 2020 project

Final budget:

Budget Execution

– 1st trimester

– 2nd trimester

– 3rd trimester

– 4th  trimester

Annual accounts

Resolution of the director of the Agency by which the Annual Accounts of the fiscal year 2020

Complementary resolution to the Director’s Resolution number 451, of June 17, 2021, approving the Annual Accounts for the year 2020


General Inventory of Assets of AVAF

Fiscal year 2019

 2019 budget project

 Budget Law 2019 BOCV

 Budgets Law 2019 GVA

 Budget Execution

 Annual accounts


General Inventory of Assets of AVAF

Fiscal year 2018

> Project budget 2018

> GVA 2018 Budget Law (art. 2.7)

> Budget Execution

> Annual accounts

Fiscal year 2017

> Budget agreement 2017 (DOGV)

> Budget execution

> Annual accounts

Fiscal Year


Ratio of paid operations

Ratio of operations pending payment

Amount of operations payed

Amount of operations pending payment

Average quarterly payment period


























































File history of Average payment period to suppliers

(*) As of 2018, the average payment period is presented in accordance with the methodology established in RD / 140/2017, of December 22 (BOE No. 311, of 12/23/2017)

Average payment period = ratio of operations paid * total amount of payments made + ratio of operations pending payment * total amount of pending payments / Total amount of payments made + amount of pending payments

Agreement of June 30, 2017, of the Consell by which the salaries of the personnel at the service of the Valencian public sector are updated

Remuneration Tables (DOG No. 8078 / 06.07.2017)

Resolution of the director of the Agency on compensation of staff for reasons of service

Resolution of June 28, 2022 of the Director of the Agency

Agreement of the Consell, by which an additional increase is applied to the remuneration of the personnel in the scope of the Generalitat and the remuneration tables are updated

Agreement of August 3, 2018 (DOGV num. 8363 / 08.17.2018)

Fiscal year 2024

AGREEMENT number 442/XI, of February 13, 2024, of the Board of the Corts Valencianes, which approves the annual permanent financial control plan of the entity Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community corresponding to fiscal year 2024.

Fiscal year 2023

AGREEMENT 2756/X, of January 10, 2023, of the Mesa de les Corts Valencianes, which approves the annual plan for permanent financial control of the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the corresponding Valencian Community to the year 2023.

Fiscal year 2022

AGREEMENT 1987/X, of January 25, 2022, of the Mesa de les Corts Valencianes, by which the annual permanent financial control plan of the corresponding Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community is approved to fiscal year 2022

First semester:

Report corresponding to the execution of the financial control plan Year 2022 – First Semester
Allegations to the “Report corresponding to the execution of the permanent financial control plan Exercise 2022 – First Semester


Second semester:

Report corresponding to the execution of the financial control plan Year 2022 – Second Semester

Fiscal year 2021

AGREEMENT 1236 / X, of February 9, 2021, of the Mesa de les Corts, by which the annual plan of permanent financial control of the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the corresponding Valencian Community is approved to fiscal year 2021

First semester:

Second semester:

Fiscal year 2020

Agreement of the Mesa de les Corts number 752 / X, of June 16, 2020, approving the annual permanent control plan of the entity Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the corresponding Valencian Community to financial year 2020.

First semester:

Second semester:

Fiscal year 2019

Permanent Financial Control Plan. Agreement Mesa de les Corts
Agreement 3.169 / IX, of February 12, 2019, of the Mesa de les Corts, by which the annual plan of permanent financial control of the entity Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community is approved

First semester:

 Second semester and financial statements: