Legal Information

Consolidated text Law 11/2016, of November 28, creating the Agency
Law 11/2016. Consolidated version published in the BOE (text in Spanish)

Modification of the law creating the Agency

Law 11/2016 has been amended, on a timely basis, by Law 3/2024, of June 27, of the Generalitat.

Modification of the law creating the Agency

Law 11/2016 has been amended, on a timely basis, by Law 27/2018, of December 27.

Creation law of the Valencian Antifraud Agency

The creation of the Agency for Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption is carried out under the protection of article 49.1.1 of the Statute of Autonomy, which grants exclusive competence to the Valencian Generalitat in the organization of its institutions of self-government. With its creation, the Generalitat complies with Resolution 58/4 of the United Nations General Assembly, of October 31, 2003, which approves the United Nations Convention against corruption, in article 6 which establishes the need to create bodies in charge of preventing corruption in the different States parties.

Regulation of June 27, 2019 on the operation and internal regime of the Agency

Regulation of June 27, 2019 on the operation and internal regime of the Agency

Specific amendment of December 16, 2021 to the Agency’s Operating Regulation and Internal Regime

Documents that make up the file:
Prior public consultation (12.26.2017)
Report on the results of the prior public consultation (23.03.2018)
Resolution to initiate the procedure (24.04.2018)
Report on the need and opportunity (09.05.2018)
Financial report (24.05.2018)
Assessment of the allegations and contributions made in the public consultation process (24.09.2018)
Observations on the regulatory impact on equality between women and men and the protection of the family, children and adolescents (24.09.2018)
Resolution submitting the proposal for the draft Regulation to the public information process (3.10.2018)
Publication in the BOC of the opening of the public information process of the draft Regulation (10.30.2018)
Results report of the public information process (01.31.2019)
Union negotiation agreement (03.11.2019)
Consultation Juridical Council opinion request (03.21.2019)
Opinion no. 266/2019, of April 24, from the Consell Jurídic Consultiu (02.05.2019)
Adenda a la memoria económica Addendum to the financial report (05.28.2019)
Informe valoración jurídica al Dictamen Informe valoracion jurídica al Dictamen Report issued by the Directorate of Legal Affairs (05.28.2019)
Resolución presentación Reglamento a les Corts Resolución presentación Reglamento a les Corts Resolution by which the draft Regulation is presented to the Valencian Corts (06.21.2019)
Publicación en el DOGV Resolución del director por la que se aprueba el Reglamento Resolución por la que se aprueba el Reglamento Publication in the DOGV Director’s resolution approving the Regulation (02.07.2019)
Publicación en el DOGV Resolución modificación del Reglamento Publication in the DOGV of the modification of the Regulation (07/15/2019)
Publicación en el DOGV Resolución modificación del Reglamento Legal Note Corts (2.07.2019)
Publicación en el DOGV Consolidación de las modificaciones del Reglamento Consolidated text of the Regulation of June 27, 2019 of the Agency (04.11.2019)

RESOLUTION of April 25, 2018, of the director of the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community, by which the Agency’s Complaints Box is created and its operation is regulated. [2018/4529] (DOGV num. 8301 of 23.05.2018)

The Agency must respect fundamental rights


On 21 November 2023, the previous Directorate of the Agency dismissed at the discretion of a staff delegate of the AVAF who held a position as a lawyer.


On 9 July 204, by means of judgment number 670/2024, of 9 July, of the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the High Court of Justice of the Valencian Community, (TSJCV), which upheld the civil servant’s appeal against the dismissal resolution. The TSJCV, within a preferential and summary judicial procedure for the protection of the fundamental right to freedom of association and the fundamental right to effective judicial protection, considered that the dismissal decreed by the previous Directorate was null and void because it violated fundamental rights.


On 17 September 2024, the current Directorate of the Agency has executed the aforementioned judgment and has complied with the provisions of the court ruling without exhausting the voluntary compliance period, facilitating the reinstatement of the civil servant to the position of lawyer, recovering the functions of staff delegate elected by the staff. In the past, the Agency’s Management had already executed other judgments (e.g. STSJCV 345/2021) for unfair dismissal.


Consequently, the current Management of the Agency has not filed an appeal in cassation nor has the judicial process been unnecessarily delayed, nor has it increased the economic costs for the Agency and the psycho-labor and remunerative damages caused to the civil servant dismissed at the time.


In the same way, and taking into account the legal grounds of the aforementioned judgment, the current Management has decided to put an end to the files opened against two other female officials of the Agency in the exercise of their fundamental rights to freedom of association and freedom of expression in labour matters.


For this reason, the appeal for reconsideration filed against the proposal for a sanction of 12 months of suspension of employment and salary, and loss of job, adopted within the disciplinary proceedings opened against an investigator, staff delegate and Prevention delegate for forwarding an email from a union debate, has been upheld.


The upholding of the appeal has facilitated the reinstatement of the civil servant to her job.

With regard to the legal situation of another of the civil servants who were prosecuted for forwarding an email about a trade union debate, the current management has brought legal action against the measures adopted by the previous management of the Agency to facilitate the completion of the judicial proceedings and the threat of suspension of employment and salary for 18 months and loss of employment.


The publication of this information is made with the prior consent of the officials to whom reference is made indirectly.

Resolution of the director

23.09.2024 – Resolution no. 904, repealing resolution number 82/2022, of 10 February, of the director of the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community, approving the latter’s code of ethics and conduct.

Resolution which modifies the Agency's Internal Information System (SII-AVAF)

19.09.2024 – Resolution Nº 902, which modifies Resolution Nº 659, of June 13, 2023, approving the Agency’s Internal Information System (SII-AVAF).

Resolution which modifies the Register of Processing Activities

10.05.2023 – Resolution Nº 508, which modifies the Register of Processing Activities of this Agency (RAT).

Resolution which modifies the Register of Processing Activities

14.03.2024 – Resolution Nº 287, which appointing the Unit responsible for accessibility (URA) of the Agency.                                   

Resolution which modifies the Register of Processing Activities

13.06.2023 – Resolution Nº 659, which approves the Agency’s internal information system (SII-AVAF), in accordance with the provisions of Law 2/2023 (DOGV no. 9627, 06.28.2023)

Resolution which modifies the Register of Processing Activities

23.05.2023  – Resolution Nº 504, creating the Register of Persons Responsible for Internal Information Systems and regulating its operation (DOGV no. 9601, 23.05.2023)

Resolution which modifies the Register of Processing Activities

29.05.2023 – Resolution Nº 601, which modifies the Register of Processing Activities of this Agency.

bullying prevention resolution

11.11.2022 – Resolution Nº. 935, which approves the provisional application of the Protocol for prevention and action against workplace harassment in the Administration of the Generalitat to this Agency.

Resolución Modificación Consejo de Participación

28.04.2022 – Resolution Nº 268, which modifies the composition of the Participation Council of this Agency (BOCV núm. 240, de 13.04.2022 y DOGV núm. 9327, 28.04.2022).


04.06.2021 – Brief of allegations in the hearing and public information process of the Draft Decree that regulates the Statute of the Complainant of the Principality of Asturias, carried out by the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Community Valenciana (AVAF).


02.06.2021 Resolution 350 / X, on support for the investigation of corruption and fraud prevention of the Valencian Antifraud Agency, approved by the Plenary of the Valencian Courts in the session of May 27, 2021 (BOCV No. 170, from 02.06.2021)


01.06.2021 Reply to the letter of May 21, 2021 from the Sindic de Greuges, in relation to complaint no. 2100376

Plan Anual Normativo 2021

30.04.2021 – Report on the recommendation and considerations expressed by the Síndic de Greuges, in relation to complaint no. 2100376.

Plan Anual Normativo 2021

22.03.2021Report issued by the Directorate of Legal Affairs of the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community in relation to the report of a lawyer from the Courts of February 26, 2021 on requests for documentation of article 12 of the Regulations of the Corts.

Plan Anual Normativo 2021

02.03.2021Report addressed to the Síndic de Greuges in response to complaint no. 2100376.

Plan Anual Normativo 2021

30.12.2020 – Resolution No. 671, of December 30, of the director of the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community, by which the Agency’s Annual Regulatory Plan for the year 2021 is approved.

Resolución Registro de Acuerdos y Resoluciones del director o directora de la AVAF

29.12.2020 – Resolution No. 666, of December 29, of the director of the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community, which creates and regulates the Register of Agreements and Resolutions adopted by the director or director of the Agency (BOCV num. 135, of 15.01.21 and DOGV núm. 8992, of 08.01.21).

Sentencia del Juzgado Contencioso-Administrativo núm. 1 de Elche, de Protección de Derechos Fundamentales

14.12.2020 – Sentence no. 763/2020 of the Contentious-Administrative Court no. 1 of Elche, Protection of Fundamental Rights.

Sentencia del Juzgado Contencioso-Administrativo núm. 1 de Elche, de Protección de Derechos Fundamentales

02.11.2020Resolution No. 494, which requests the adhesion of this Agency to the collaboration agreement, signed on June 6, 2016, between the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations (MINHAP) and the Generalitat of the Valencian Community for the mutual provision of solutions basic electronic administration.

Resolución Modificación Consejo de Participación

23.10.2020 – Basic notes on incompatibilities of the personnel at the service of the Public Administrations.

Resolución ámbito material actuación Agencia

05.10.2020 – Resolution No. 424, which specifies the scope of action of the Agency..

Resolución Modificación Consejo de Participación

14.09.2020 – Resolution No. 374, which modifies the composition of the Participation Council of this Agency (BOCV No. 105, of 09.25.2020 and DOGV No. 8908, 09.18.2020).

Informe Jurídico Ayto Valencia

10.09.2020 – Legal report issued in relation to the query made by the Valencia City Council regarding a request for access to information.

Resolución Politica de Privacidad

08.07.2020 – Resolution No. 262, which establishes the bases for the procedure to be followed in the formulation of suggestions and complaints from this Agency.

Resolución Politica de Firma Electrónica y certificados

23.06.2020 Resolution No. 225, which approves the Electronic Signature Policy and certificates of this Agency (BOCV no. 89, of 3.07.2020 and DOGV no. 8850, 6.07.2020).

Resolución Politica de Privacidad

15.06.2020Resolution No. 203, by which the Agency’s privacy policy is approved.

Nota 3 Estado Alarma

29.05.2020 – Note no. 3 on suspension of administrative periods and of prescription and expiration periods, in accordance with Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, which declared the state of alarm for the management of the health crisis situation caused by the COVID -19, carried out by Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, its modifications and extensions.

Guia Tramitacion Convenios

08.05.2020 – Guide for the processing of agreements in the Agency.

Nota 2 Estado de Alarma

05.05.2020 – Note no. 2 on suspension of administrative periods and of prescription and expiration periods, in accordance with Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, which declared the state of alarm for the management of the health crisis situation caused by the COVID -19, its modifications and its extensions.

Registro Actividades de Tratamiento

05.05.2020Resolution No. 111, by which its Registry of Treatment Activities is created.

Nota 1 Estado de Alarma

24.03.2020 – Note no. 1 on suspension of administrative periods and prescription and expiration periods, in accordance with Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, which declares the state of alarm for the management of the health crisis situation caused by the COVID-19, modified by Royal Decree 465/2020.

Propuesta enmiendas PFP GVA

10.03.2020 – Proposal of amendments to the Bill, of the Generalitat, of the Valencian Public Function.

11.03.2020 – Proof of referral to the Valencian Courts of the proposed amendments.

Resolución Sede Electrónica y Registro Electrónico

13.12.2019Resolution creating the electronic headquarters and electronic registry of this agency and regulating its operation (BOCV No. 51, of 12.30.2019 and DOGV No. 8708, 12.31.2019).

Resolución Mención Honorífica

25.11.2019Resolution creating and regulating the granting of the Agency’s Silver Badge Honorable Mention.

Propuesta Ley Presupuestos 2020

30.10.2019 – Proposal to be incorporated into the Generalitat’s Budget Law for the 2020 financial year.

Propuesta Ley Medidas 2020

30.10.2019 – Proposal for the modification of Law 11/2016, of November 28, of the Generalitat, of the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community, to be incorporated into the Draft Law on Fiscal Measures, Management Administrative and Financial, and Organization of the Generalitat.

Resolución composición Consejo de Participación

15.10.2019Resolution determining the composition of the Participation Council of this Agency (BOCV no. 31, of 25.10.2019 and DOGV no, 8665, 28.10.19).

Valoración dictámen CJC

28.05.2019 – Report issued by the Directorate of Legal Affairs on the considerations of Opinion no. 266/2019, dated April 24, 2019, from the Consell Jurídic Consultiu to the Draft Regulation of operation and internal regime of the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community, as a development of Law 11 / 2016, of November 28, of the Generalitat.

Informe jurídico Provisión puestos Agencia

04.07.2019 – Report on the form of provision of jobs provided for in the proposal for the List of Jobs of the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community.

Informe Jurídico cobertura puestos GVA por Interinos

18.04.2019 –Legal report on the coverage by temporary civil servant personnel of certain jobs, included in the List of Jobs of the Generalitat, whose form of provision is free appointment, corresponding to secretaries of high positions of the administration of the Generalitat.

Informe regulación personal Agencia

18.04.2019 – Report on the regulatory framework of application in matters of staff of the civil service of the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community.

Resolución creación CdP

12.02.2019Resolution by which the Participation Council is created and the term is opened for the presentation of candidatures to occupy their seats in representation of civic organizations (BOCV No. 346, of 02.22.2019 and DOGV No., 8492, of 02.22.2019).

Creación Consejo de Dirección de la Agencia

07.01.2019Resolution creating the Board of Directors of the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community (BOCV no. 339, of 01.28.2019).

Creación Buzón de Denuncias

25.04.2018Resolution creating the Agency’s Complaints Box and regulating its operation (DOGV no. 8301, of 05.23.2018)..

Alegaciones al Anteproyecto de Ley reguladora de la protección de las personas que informen sobre infracciones normativas y de lucha contra la corrupción por la que se transpone la Directiva (UE) 2019/193717.03.2022 – AVAF’s allegations in the hearing and public information process of the Draft Law regulating the protection of people who report regulatory infractions and the fight against corruption by which Directive (EU) 2019/1937 is transposed.
Project. Strengthening the national anti-fraud strategy in Spain02.03.2021 – Project. Strengthening the national anti-fraud strategy in Spain.
Alegaciones anteproyecto de Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal01.03.2021 – Allegations of the AVAF in the hearing and public information process of the Preliminary Draft Law on Criminal Procedure.
BRIEF OF ALLEGATIONS TO THE PUBLIC CONSULTATION ON THE TRANSPOSITION OF DIRECTIVE (EU) 2019/1937 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL, OF OCTOBER 23, 2019, RELATING TO THE PROTECTION OF PERSONS WHO REPORT INFRINGEMENTS OF UNION LAW ( “WHISTLEBLOWERS”), MADE BY THE AGENCY FOR THE PREVENTION AND FIGHT AGAINST FRAUD AND CORRUPTION OF THE VALENCIAN COMMUNITY (AVAF).27.01.2021 – Allegations to the public consultation on the transposition of Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of october 23, 2019, relating to the protection of persons who report infringements of union law (“whistleblowers”), made by the AVAF.
Documento resumen de la experiencia de la AVAF04.11.2020 – Summary document on the experience of the AVAF in protecting whistleblowers in its three years of operation.
Decálogo para la protección de las personas denunciantes y alertadoras30.06.2020 – Decalogue for the protection of whistleblowers and alerters, approved by the AVAF Participation Council.
Síntesis sobre la Directiva (UE) 2019/193709.11.2019 – Synthesis on Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council, on the protection of persons who report infringements of Union law.
Directiva (UE) 2019/1937 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo23.10.2019 – Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of October 23, 2019, on the protection of people who report infringements of Union law.
Normativa AVAF27.06.2019 – Regulatory regulations of the AVAF in relation to the protection of whistleblowers.
Declaration of Valencia23-24.05.2024 – Institutional Declaration of the Network of Antifraud Offices and Agencies, Madrid.
Declaration of Valencia19.04.2024 – Valencia Declaration of the Network of European Integrity Authorities and Alerters (NEIWA).
Declaration of Valencia16-17.10.2023 – Institutional Declaration of the Network of Antifraud Offices and Agencies, Barcelona.
Declaración de Roma24.03.2023 – Roma Declaration of the Network of European Integrity Authorities and Alerters (NEIWA).
Declaración Institucional29-30.09.2022 – Institutional Declaration of the Network of Antifraud Offices and Agencies. VII International Transparency Congress.
17.06.2022 –Barcelona Declaration of the Network of European Integrity Authorities and Alerters (NEIWA).
16.06.2022 – Reason for being, structure and composition of NEIWA. 7th meeting of NEIWA – Barcelona.
Institutional Declaration AVAF_Transposition Directive17.12.2021 – Institutional Declaration of the AVAF on the Transposition of the Directive (EU) 2019/1937.
Dublín Declaration10.12.2021 – Dublín Declaration of the Network of European Integrity Authorities and Alerters (NEIWA).
Vilnius Declaration EPAC 202102.12.2021 – Vilnius Declaration 2021. 20th EPAC / EACN Annual Professional Conference and General Assembly.
Institutional Declaration. World Whistleblower Day23.06.2021 – Institutional Declaration of the AVAF. World Whistleblower Day
Utrecht Declaration on external channels04.06.2021 – Utrecht Declaration on external channels of the Network of European Integrity Authorities and Alerters (NEIWA).
Utrecht Declaration on internal channels04.06.2021 – Utrecht Declaration on internal channels of the Network of European Integrity Authorities and Alerters (NEIWA).
Brussels Declaration14.12.2020 – Brussels Declaration of the Network of European Integrity Authorities and Alerters (NEIWA).
Rome Declaration26.06.2020 – Rome Declaration of the Network of European Integrity Authorities and Alerters (NEIWA).
Paris Declaration16.12.2019 – Paris Declaration of the Network of European Integrity Authorities and Alerters (NEIWA).
231222 Plan Anual Normativo de la AVAF para 2024

22.12.2023 – Annual Regulatory Plan of the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community for the year 2024.

221226 Plan Anual Normativo de la AVAF para 2023

26.12.2022 – Annual Regulatory Plan of the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community for the year 2023.

211230 Annual Regulatory Plan of the AVAF for 2022

30.12.2021 – Annual Regulatory Plan of the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community for the year 2022.

201230 Annual Regulatory Plan of the AVAF for 2021

30.12.2020 – Annual Regulatory Plan of the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community for the year 2021.

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Catarroja. Signed on July 16, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 93/ 04.10.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Valencian Institute for Business Competitiveness (IVACE). Signed on July 15, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 93/ 04.10.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Valencian Agency for Security and Emergency Response (AVSRE). Signed on July 8, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 93/ 04.10.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Jérica. Signed on July 4, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 93/ 04.10.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of La Vilavella. Signed on June 28, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 93/ 04.10.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Albalat dels Tarongers. Signed on June 26, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 93/ 04.10.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Caudete de las Fuentes. Signed on June 26, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 93/ 04.10.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Pilar de la Horadada. Signed on June 26, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 93/ 04.10.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Alfafara. Signed on June 3, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 74/ 21.06.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Emperador. Signed on May 23, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 74/ 21.06.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Rocafort. Signed on May 21, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 74/ 21.06.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of San Miguelo de Salinas. Signed on May 10, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 74/ 21.06.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Beneixida. Signed on April 9, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 68/ 05.06.2024

  • Addendum to the protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Diputación Provincial de Castellón. Signed on March 27, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 57/ 26.04.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Mancomunidad Espadán Mijares. Signed on March 21, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 57/ 26.04.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Bellús. Signed on March 4, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 57/ 26.04.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Castelló. Signed on February 28, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 57/ 26.04.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Almussafes. Signed on February 26, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 57/ 26.04.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Algar de Palancia. Signed on February 15, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 57/ 26.04.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Callosa d’en Sarrià. Signed on February 15, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 57/ 26.04.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and Moncada Servicios Urbanos SAU. Signed on February 14, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 55/ 19.04.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Museros. Signed on February 6, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 55/ 19.04.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Bolbaite. Signed on February 6, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 54/ 12.04.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Quesa. Signed on February 1, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 55/ 19.04.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of El Campello. Signed on February 1, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 54/ 12.04.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Rafal. Signed on January 31, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 54/ 12.04.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of La Pobla de Vallbona. Signed on January 30, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 53/ 05.04.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Villargordo del Cabriel. Signed on January 29, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 53/ 05.04.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Vinalesa. Signed on January 24, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 53/ 05.04.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Beniflà. Signed on January 23, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 43/ 16.02.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Quart de les Valls. Signed on January 23, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 43/ 16.02.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Benirredrà. Signed on January 17, 2024.
    BOCV núm. 43/ 16.02.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Requena. Signed on December 11, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 39/ 02.02.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Cotes. Signed on December 1, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 39/ 02.02.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Manises. Signed on Novembre 29, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 39/ 02.02.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Benissa. Signed on Novembre 28, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 39/ 02.02.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Monforte del Cid. Signed on Novembre 28, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 39/ 02.02.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Alfafar. Signed on December 22, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 38/ 26.01.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Mancomunidad Intermunicipal del Alto Palancia. Signed on December 21, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 38/ 26.01.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Faura. Signed on December 13, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 38/ 26.01.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Mancomunitat de Les Valls. Signed on December 13, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 38/ 26.01.2024

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Mislata. Signed on Novembre 15, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 29/ 30.11.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Sellent. Signed on Novembre 15, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 29/ 30.11.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Alcàntera de Xúquer. Signed on Novembre 15, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 29/ 30.11.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Onteniente. Signed on Novembre 13, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 29/ 30.11.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Enguera. Signed on Novembre 03, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 27/ 24.11.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Metropolitan Entity of Hydraulic Services. Signed on Novembre 02, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 27/ 24.11.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Valencian Association of Local Administration Personnel Technicians. Signed on October 31, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 27/ 24.11.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Almassora. Signed on October 16, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 27/ 24.11.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Teulada. Signed on September 29, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 23 / 10.11.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Agullent. Signed on September 20, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 23 / 10.11.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Altura. Signed on September 14, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 23 / 10.11.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Consell Valencià de Cultura Signed on September 12, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 13 / 29.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de l’Alcora.Signed on September 7, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 13 / 29.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Massalfassar Signed on August 31, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 11 / 22.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Xert. Signed on August 31, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 11 / 22.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Betxí. Signed on August 31,2023.
    BOCV núm. 11 / 22.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Villajoyosa. Signed on August 31, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 11 / 22.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Picanya. Signed on July 29, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 11 / 22.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Novelda. Signed on July 5, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 10 / 20.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Vallada. Signed on May 24, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 10 / 20.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Entidad Valenciana de Vivienda y Suelo. Signed on July 13, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 10 / 20.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Consell Jurídic Consultiu de la Comunitat Valenciana. Signed on July 17, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 10 / 20.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Montserrat. Signed on July 11, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 10 / 20.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Santa Pola. Signed on July 11, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 10 / 20.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de l’ Alcúdia. Signed on July 5, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 10 / 20.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Mancomunitat Vall de Pop. Signed on July 5, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 10 / 20.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Xaló. Signed on July 4, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 10 / 20.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Bolulla.Signed on June 30, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 9 / 15.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Consorcio del Plan Zonal de Residuos 5, Área de gestión V4. Signed on June 29, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 9 / 15.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Alaquàs. Signed on June 27, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 8 / 13.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Síndic de Greuges. Signed on June 26, 2023
  • .
    BOCV núm. 8 / 13.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Universitat de València. Signed on June 9, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 8 / 13.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Elda. Signed on June 9, 2023
    BOCV núm. 8 / 13.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Mancomunidad Intermunicipal de Alcàntera de Xúquer, Càrcer, Cotes y Sellent, para el Abastecimiento de Aguas Potables y Otros Servicios. Signed on June 9, 2023
    BOCV núm. 8 / 13.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Crevillent. Signed on June 14, 2023
    BOCV núm. 8 / 13.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Chilches. Signed on June 8, 2023
    BOCV núm. 8 / 13.09.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua. Signed on June 8, 2023
    BOCV núm. 5 / 28.07.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Llocnou d’en Fenollet. Signed on June 5, 2023
    BOCV núm. 5 / 28.07.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Càrcer. Signed on June 5, 2023
    BOCV núm. 5 / 28.07.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Parcent. Signed on June 2, 2023
    BOCV núm. 5 / 28.07.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Aldaia. Signed on May 31, 2023
    BOCV núm. 4 / 26.07.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Tavernes de la Valldigna. Signed on May 30, 2023
    BOCV núm. 4 / 26.07.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Alcudia de Veo. Signed on May 26, 2023
    BOCV núm. 4 / 26.07.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Cerdà. Signed on May 23, 2023
    BOCV núm. 4 / 26.07.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de El Puig de Santa María. Signed on May 22, 2023
    BOCV núm. 3 / 21.07.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Mancomunidad de Municipios de La Costera-Canal. Signed on May 22, 2023
    BOCV núm. 3 / 21.07.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Godella. Signed on May 22, 2023
    BOCV núm. 3 / 21.07.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Sueca. Signed on May 22, 2023
    BOCV núm. 3 / 21.07.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Eslida. Signed on May 19, 2023
    BOCV núm. 3 / 21.07.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Gata de Gorgos. Signed on May 17, 2023
    BOCV núm. 3 / 21.07.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Rafelguaraf. Signed on May 16, 2023
    BOCV núm. 2 / 14.07.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Diputación de Valencia. Signed on May 15, 2023
    BOCV núm. 2 / 14.07.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Llanera de Ranes. Signed on May 9, 2023
    BOCV núm. 2 / 14.07.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Buñol. Signed on May 9, 2023
    BOCV núm. 2 / 14.07.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Sumacàrcer. Signed on May 8, 2023
    BOCV núm. 334 / 23.06.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de la Vall d’Uixó. Signed on May 8, 2023
    BOCV núm. 334 / 23.06.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de La Granja de la Costera. Signed on May 5, 2023
    BOCV núm. 333 / 16.06.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Tous. Signed on May 5, 2023
    BOCV núm. 333 / 16.06.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Aín. Signed on May 4, 2023
    BOCV núm. 333 / 16.06.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Torremanzanas. Signed on May 3, 2023
    BOCV núm. 333 / 16.06.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de L’Alfàs del Pi. Signed on May 3, 2023
    BOCV núm. 332 / 09.06.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Benloc. Signed on May 3, 2023
    BOCV núm. 332 / 09.06.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Puçol. Signed on May 2, 2023
    BOCV núm. 332 / 09.06.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Mutxamel. Signed on May 2, 2023
    BOCV núm. 332 / 09.06.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Ayuntamiento de Meliana. Signed on april 28th, 2023
    BOCV núm. 332 / 09.06.2023

  • Protocol of collaboration between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and Ayuntamiento de L’ Alcúdia de Crespins. Signed on april 26th, 2023.
    BOCV núm. 332 / 09.06.2023

  • Addendum of modification of the protocol of collaboration between the Sindicatura de Comptes of the Valencian Community and the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community. Signed on april 26th, 2023.
BOCV núm. 330 / 26.05.2023

  • Functional collaboration protocol between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Valencian Society of Integral Management of Emergency Services. Signed on april 5th, 2022.
BOCV núm. 327 / 26.04.2023

  • Functional collaboration protocol between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Valencian Agency for Territory Protection. Signed on april 4th, 2022.
BOCV núm. 326 / 19.04.2023

  • Functional collaboration protocol between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Algemesí. Signed on february 28th, 2022.
BOCV núm. 320 / 22.03.2023

  • Functional collaboration protocol between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Alzira. Signed on january 01th, 2022.
BOCV núm. 313 / 22.02.2023

  • Functional collaboration protocol between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Dénia). Signed on december 21th, 2022.
BOCV núm. 307 / 27.01.2023

  • Functional collaboration protocol between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Benetússer . Signed on November 16th, 2022.
BOCV núm. 295 / 30.11.2022

  • Functional collaboration protocol between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and Telecommunications and Certification Services S.A.U . Signed on October 25th, 2022.
BOCV núm. 293 / 25.11.2022

  • Functional collaboration protocol between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and and the City Council of La Yesa. Signed on September 21th, 2022.
BOCV núm. 279 / 07.10.2022

  • Functional collaboration protocol between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Association of Property and Valenciana d’Aprofitament Energètic de Residus, S.A. (VAERSA). Signed on July 12th, 2022.
Text published in the BOCVBOCV núm. 268 / 11.07.2022

  • Functional collaboration protocol between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of Riba-roja de Túria. Signed on June 30th, 2022.
Text published in the BOCVBOCV núm. 265/ 13.07.2022

  • Functional collaboration protocol between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the City Council of San Vicente del Raspeig. Signed on June 6th, 2022.
Text published in the BOCVBOCV núm. 259/ 17.06.2022

  • Functional collaboration protocol between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Provincial Council of Alicante. Signed on May 24th, 2022.
Text published in the BOCVBOCV núm. 255/ 03.06.2022

BOCV 232-11 marzo 2022-Protocolo Ayuntamiento l'ElianaBOCV núm. 232 / 11.03.2022

BOCV 214-23 diciembre 2021-Protocolo diputación CastellónBOCV núm. 214 / 23.12.2021

BOCV Protocol AVAF-Valencia council BOCV num. 210 / 3.12.2021

  • Extension of the framework collaboration agreement between the CEU Cardenal Herrera University and the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community. Signed 6, march 2024.

BOCV núm. 55 / 19.04.2024

  • Extension of the framework agreement between the Asociación Tactical Whistleblower and the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Andalusian Office against Fraud and Corruption. Signed 10, october 2023.

BOCV núm. 23 / 10.11.2023

  • Extension of the framework agreement between the Asociación Tactical Whistleblower and the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community. Signed 5, july 2023.

BOCV núm. 8 / 13.09.2023

  • Framework agreement for educational cooperation between the University of Valencia and the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community. Signed 19, may 2023

Acceder al texto completo publicado en el BOCVBOCV núm. 2 / 14.07.2023

  • Agreement to extend the framework agreement between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Office for the Prevention and Fight against Corruption in the Balearic Islands to establish a permanent channel of communication and collaboration to improve efficiency in the fulfillment of common objectives. Signed june 15, 2022
Access the full text in the BOCVBOCV núm. 280 / 14.10.2022

  • Agreement to extend the framework agreement between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Office for the Prevention and Fight against Corruption in the Balearic Islands to establish a permanent channel of communication and collaboration to improve efficiency in the fulfillment of common objectives. Signed june 15, 2022
Access the full text in the BOCVBOCV núm. 263 / 06.07.2022

  • Framework agreement between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Observatori Ciutadà contra la Corrupció to establish a permanent channel of communication and collaboration to improve efficiency in meeting objectives of common interest. Signed june 7, 2022
Access the full text in the BOCVBOCV núm. 263 / 06.07.2022

  • Framework Agreement between the Universitat Miguel Hernández de Elche and the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community for cultural, educational and scientific collaboration. Signed may 24, 2022
Access the full text in the BOCVBOCV núm. 255 / 03.06.2022

  • Functional collaboration protocol between the Sindicatura de Comptes of the Valencian Community and and the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community. Signed April 24 2020
Accedir al text complet del protocol publicat al BOCVBOCV núm. 80 / 27.05.2020

Accedir al text complet del protocol publicat al BOCVBOCV núm. 51 / 30.12.2019

  • Collaboration agreement between the Provincial Council of Albacete and the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community for the provision of all applications and tools that make up the SEDIPUALBA platform, modifying the one signed on December 27, 2022. Signed on December 21, 2023.
BOCV-Conv-AVAF-¿Hay Derecho?BOCV núm. 38 / 26.01.2024

  • Collaboration agreement between the University of Valencia and the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community in the field of lifelong learning and the development of training, research and cultural activities to promote and promote the culture of integrity and public ethics. Signed on December 13, 2023.
BOCV-Conv-AVAF-¿Hay Derecho?BOCV núm. 38 / 26.01.2024

  • Collaboration agreement between the Public Prosecution and the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraudand Corruption of the Valencian Community . Signed on June 19, 2023.
BOCV-Conv-AVAF-¿Hay Derecho?BOCV núm. 2 / 14.07.2023

  • Collaboration agreement between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Official Association of Secretaries, Auditors and Treasurers of the Local Administration of the province of Alicante (COSITAL-Alicante) for the development of training activities in matters of common interest and preventive actions against fraud and corruption. Signed on May 25, 2023.
BOCV-Conv-AVAF-¿Hay Derecho?BOCV núm. 2 / 14.07.2023

  • Collaboration agreement between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Foundation ¿Hay Derecho?, for the development of activities of common interest in relation to the promotion of a culture of integrity and public ethics and protection of the person who denounces fraud or corruption. Signed on April 20, 2023.
BOCV-Conv-AVAF-¿Hay Derecho?BOCV núm. 329 / 12.05.2023

  • Collaboration agreement between the Generalitat, through the Ministry of Participation, Transparency, Cooperation and Democratic Quality, the Provincial Councils of Valencia, Alicante and Castellón, the Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and the Corruption of the Valencian Community and the University of Valencia, to collaborate in matters of institutional integrity at the local level of the Valencian Community. Signed on March 23, 2023.
BOCV-Conv-AVAF-IntegridadBOCV núm. 326 / 19.04.2023

  • Collaboration agreement between the Provincial Council of Albacete and the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community for the provision of all applications and tools that make up the Sedipualba platform. Signed on December 27, 2022.
BOCV-Conv-AVAF-Diputación Provincial de AlbaceteBOCV núm. 308 / 01.02.2023

  • Declaration of Intent between the Departmental Comptroller of Valle del Cauca (Republic of Colombia) and the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community (Kingdom of Spain). Signed on October 26, 2022.
BOCV núm. 329 / 25.11.2022

  • Collaboration agreement between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Association of Property and Mercantile Registrars of Spain for the consultation of the Real Ownership of Mercantile Companies through the Mercantile Registry. Signed on March 7, 2022.
BOCV-Conv-AVAF-Colegio de RegistradoresBOCV núm. 232 / 11.03.2022

  • Academic, scientific and cultural collaboration agreement between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the University of Salamanca. Signed on September 6, 2021.
BOCV-Conv-AVAF-USALBOCV núm. 202 / 8.11.2021

  • Collaboration agreement between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the Fundación Ciudadana Civio for the development of the “SceMaps” project. Signed on April 9, 2021.
BOCV-publicacion-Convenio-CIVIO-AVAFBOCV núm. 158 / 21.04.2021

  • Educational cooperation agreement between the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community and the CEU Cardenal Herrera University for the realization of training practices by university students. Signed on February 10, 2021.
BOCV-Convenio-CEU-AVAFBOCV núm. 145 / 24.02.2021

  • Collaboration agreement between the University of Valencia and the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community to develop the project “Training activities for good governance and citizenship in the Valencian territory”. Signed on June 29, 2020
Accedir al text complet del protocol publicat al BOCVBOCV núm. 93 / 22.07.2020
Oficio Pte Corts contestacion

23.05.2024 – Response to the request for documentation No. 3.681 of article 12 RCV, submitted on 02/05/2024 by a member of the VOX Parliamentary Group, for a final investigation report and the resolution of its conclusions, in relation to the case of the award of a contract for the management of institutional advertising by the director of the negotiation area related to the temporary period between 2016 and 2019.

Oficio Pte Corts contestacion

15.04.2024 – Response to the request for documentation No. 2.991 of article 12 RCV, submitted on 26/03/2024 by a member of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a full copy of file 1628402W 456/2023 initiated by the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community, including all actions carried out to the date of response to this initiative.

Oficio Pte Corts contestacion

15.04.2024 – Response to the request for documentation No. 2.990 of article 12 RCV, submitted on 26/03/2024 by a member of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a full copy of file 2023/G01_02/000020 initiated by the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community, including all actions carried out up to the date of response to this initiative.

Oficio Pte Corts contestacion

08.03.2024 – Response to the request for documentation No. 2.515 of article 12 RCV, submitted on 05/03/2024 by a member of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a full copy of the investigation file initiated by the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community, including all the actions carried out up to the date of response to this initiative, referring to a complaint.

Oficio Pte Corts contestacion

08.03.2024 – Response to the request for documentation No. 2.514 of article 12 RCV, submitted on 05/03/2024 by a member of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a full copy of the investigation file initiated by the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community, including all the actions carried out up to the date of response to this initiative, referring to a complaint.

Oficio Pte Corts contestacion

06.03.2024 – Response to the request for documentation No. 2.390 of article 12 RCV, submitted on 20/02/2024 by a member of the Socialist Parliamentary Group, for a full copy of the file relating to the investigation into the expenses of a City Council on minor contracts.

Oficio Pte Corts contestacion

06.03.2024 – Response to the request for documentation No. 2.372 of article 12 RCV, submitted on 20/02/2024 by a member of the VOX Parliamentary Group, for a Report from the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency regarding the fraudulent use of public resources.

Oficio Pte Corts contestacion sd13177

29.11.2023 – Response to the request for documentation No. 783 of article 12 RCV, submitted on 2/11/2023 by a member of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a full copy of the investigation file 2021/G01_02/00008 – 1446249E.

Oficio Pte Corts contestacion sd13177

31.10.2023 – Response to the request for documentation No. 510 of article 12 RCV, submitted on 10/18/2023 by a member of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a complete copy of the file of the Equality Plan.

Oficio Pte Corts contestacion sd13177

31.10.2023 – Response to the request for documentation No. 509 of article 12 RCV, submitted on 10/18/2023 by a member of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a full copy of the disciplinary files and the precautionary measure.

Oficio Pte Corts contestacion sd13177

02.05.2023 – Response to the request for documentation no. 13,750 of article 12 RCV, submitted on 03/29/2023 by a member of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a complete copy of the files for the provision by free designation of positions no.3 (Director of Analysis and Research, call for applications 2/2020), No. 5 (Deputy Director and Legal Affairs, call for applications 1/2018), No. 2 (Head of Administration, Human Resources and Administrative Management, call for applications 5/2021), No. 4 (Director of Prevention, Training and Documentation, call for applications 6/2021) and No. 2 (Head of Administration, Human Resources and Economic Management, call for applications 1/2022).

Oficio Pte Corts contestacion sd13177

07.02.2023 – Response to the request for documentation No. 13,183 of Article 12 RCV, submitted on 12/01/2023 by a Member of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a list and full copy of the administrative records of all grants awarded from October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022.

Oficio Pte Corts contestacion sd13177

07.02.2023 – Response to the request for documentation No. 13,182 of Article 12 RCV, submitted on 12/01/2023 by a Member of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a copy of the balance sheet and income statement and documentation of the areas that compose it, in particular, fixed assets, taxes, accounting, treasury, debtors, accruals, suppliers, personnel, profit and loss account, from October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022.

Oficio Pte Corts contestacion sd13177

07.02.2023 – Response to the request for documentation No. 13,181 of Article 12 RCV, submitted on 12/01/2023 by a Member of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a copy of the legal reports issued and subscribed in connection with any activities of the Agency from October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022.

Oficio Pte Corts contestacion sd13177

07.02.2023 – Response to the request for documentation No. 13,180 of Article 12 RCV, submitted on 12/01/2023 by a Member of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a list and full copy of all files authorized or entered into in relation to negotiated contracts without advertising, from October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022.

Oficio Pte Corts contestacion sd13177

07.02.2023 – Response to the request for documentation No. 13,179 of article 12 RCV, submitted on 12/01/2023 by a Member of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a list and full copy of the administrative records of the minor contracts authorized or concluded, from October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022.

Oficio Pte Corts contestacion sd13177

07.02.2023 – Response to the request for documentation No. 13,178 of article 12 RCV, submitted on 12/01/2023 by a Member of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a list and full copy of the administrative records of non-minor contracts authorized or concluded, from October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022.

Ofici Pte Corts sd 13177

07.02.2023 – Response to the request for documentation No. 13,177 of article 12 RCV, presented on 03/01/2023 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a copy of all the invoices or documents that justify all the payments made against the fund of the fixed boxes of the Valencian Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud from October 1 to December 31, 2022 and that are derived from expenses corresponding to all the economic subconcepts that can be paid by this mechanism; Likewise, a copy of the supporting accounts formulated by the comptadants and skills corresponding to the annexes included in order 2/2017, of March 29, and in application of the regulations governing fixed cash funds.

Ofici Pte Corts sd 13183

06.02.2023 – Response to the request for documentation no. 13,183 of article 12 RCV, presented on 03/01/2023 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, listing and full copy of the administrative files of all subsidies granted, from October 1 to December 31, 2022.

Ofici Pte Corts sd 13182

06.02.20232 – Response to the request for documentation no. 13,182 of article 12 RCV, presented on 03/01/2023 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, with a copy of the balance sheet and income statement and documentation of the areas that comprise it, in particular, fixed assets, taxes, accounting, treasury, debtors, accruals, suppliers, personnel, profit and loss account, from October 1 to December 31, 2022.

Ofici Pte Corts sd 13181

06.02.2023 – Response to the request for documentation No. 13,181 of article 12 RCV, presented on 03/01/2023 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a copy of the legal reports issued and signed in relation to any activities of the Agency, from October 1 to December 31, 2022.

Ofici Pte Corts sd 13180

06.02.2023 – Response to the request for documentation No. 13,180 of article 12 RCV, presented on 03/01/2023 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, listing and full copy of all authorized or executed files in relation to contracts negotiated without publicity, from October 1 to December 31, 2022.

Ofici Pte Corts sd 13179

06.02.2023 – Response to the request for documentation No. 13,179 of article 12 RCV, presented on 03/01/2023 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, of list and full copy of the administrative files of minor authorized or concluded contracts, from October 1 to December 31, 2022.

Ofici Pte Corts sd 13178

06.02.2023 – Response to the request for documentation No. 13,178 of article 12 RCV, presented on 03/01/2023 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, listing and full copy of the administrative records of non-minor contracts authorized or entered into, from October 1 to December 31, 2022.

Official reply Pte Corts 13150_CSVRS

26.01.2023 – Response to the request for documentation no. 13,150 of article 12 RCV, presented on 13/12/2022 by a deputy of the VOX Valencian Community Parliamentary Group, of a list of all complete investigation files relating to a complaint of alleged fraud in training courses

O fficial reply Pte Corts 13013_CSVRS

24.11.2022 – Response to the request for documentation no. 13,013 of article 12 RCV, presented on 19/10/2022 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, of a list of files that have been processed, are being processed or plan to process the commercial Comité Textil, SL., indicating the purpose of each of them.

Ofici Pte Corts 12860_Subv-VAL CSVRS

08.11.2022 – Response to the request for documentation no. 12,860 of article 12 RCV, presented on 30/09/2022 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, listing and full copy of the administrative files of all subsidies granted, from July 1 to September 30, 2022.

Ofici Pte Corts 12859_ByC-VAL CSVRS

08.11.2022 – Response to the request for documentation no. 12,859 of article 12 RCV, presented on 30/09/2022 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, with a copy of the balance sheet and income statement and documentation of the areas that comprise it, in particular, fixed assets, taxes, accounting, treasury, debtors, accruals, suppliers, personnel, profit and loss account, from July 1 to September 30, 2022.

Ofici Pte Corts 12858_Inf-Jur CSVRS

08.11.2022 – Response to the request for documentation No. 12,858 of article 12 RCV, presented on 30/09/2022 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a copy of the legal reports issued and signed in relation to any activities of the Agency, from July 1 to September 30, 2022.

Ofici Pte Corts 12857_CPN CSVRS

08.11.2022 – Response to the request for documentation No. 12,857 of article 12 RCV, presented on 30/09/2022 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, listing and full copy of all authorized or executed files in relation to contracts negotiated without publicity, from July 1 to September 30, 2022.

Ofici Pte Corts 12856_C-m CSVRS

08.11.2022 – Response to the request for documentation No. 12,856 of article 12 RCV, presented on 30/09/2022 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, of list and full copy of the administrative files of minor authorized or concluded contracts, from July 1 to September 30, 2022.

Ofici Pte Corts 12855_C-no-M CSVRS

08.11.2022 – Response to the request for documentation No. 12,855 of article 12 RCV, presented on 30/09/2022 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, listing and full copy of the administrative records of non-minor contracts authorized or entered into, from July 1 to September 30, 2022.

Ofici Pte Corts 12854_CF CSVRS

08.11.2022 – Response to the request for documentation No. 12,854 of article 12 RCV, presented on 30/09/2022 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a copy of all the invoices or documents that justify all the payments made against the fund of the fixed boxes of the Valencian Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud from July 1 to September 30, 2022 and that are derived from expenses corresponding to all the economic subconcepts that can be paid by this mechanism; Likewise, a copy of the supporting accounts formulated by the comptadants and skills corresponding to the annexes included in order 2/2017, of March 29, and in application of the regulations governing fixed cash funds.

Ofici Pte Corts 12512_Subv CSVRS

29.09.2022 – Response to documentation request no. 12,512 of article 12 RCV, presented on 29/07/2022 by a member of the Popular Parliamentary Group, relating and full copy of the administrative files of all subsidies granted from April 1 to June 30 2022.

Ofici Pte Corts 12511_C-m CSVRS

29.09.2022 – Response to documentation request no. 12,511 of article 12 RCV, presented on 29/07/2022 by a member of the People’s Parliamentary Group, Relation and complete copy of the administrative files of minor contracts authorized or signed, from April 1 to 30 June 2022.

Ofici Pte Corts 12510_C-no-M CSVRS

29.09.2022 – Response to documentation request no. 12,510 of article 12 RCV, presented on 29/07/2022 by a member of the Popular Parliamentary Group, relating to and complete copy of the administrative files of non-minor contracts authorized or signed, from April 1 to 30 of June 2022.

Ofici Pte Corts 12509_ByC CSVRS

29.09.2022 – Response to documentation request no. 12,509 of article 12 RCV, presented on 29/07/2022 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, of a copy of the balance sheet and income statement and documentation of the areas that make it up, in particular, fixed assets, taxes , accounting, treasury, debtors, accruals, suppliers, personnel, profit and loss account, from April 1 to June 30, 2022.

Ofici Pte Corts 12508_CPN CSVRS

29.09.2022 – Response to documentation request no. 12,508 of article 12 RCV, submitted on 29/07/2022 by a member of the Popular Parliamentary Group, relating to and full copy of all files authorized or concluded in relation to contracts negotiated without publicity, from 1 April until June 30, 2022.

Ofici Pte Corts 12507_CF CSVRS

29.09.2022 – Response to documentation request no. 12,507 of article 12 RCV, presented on 29/07/2022 by a member of the Popular Parliamentary Group, of a copy of all the invoices or documents that justify all the payments delivered from the funds of the fixed boxes of the Valencian Agency of Prevention and Fight against Fraud from April 1 to June 30, 2022 and that derive from expenses corresponding to all the economic sub-concepts liable to payment by this mechanism; as well as a copy of the supporting accounts drawn up by the accountants and skills corresponding to the annexes included in Order 2/2017, of March 29, and in application of the regulations governing fixed cash funds.

Ofici Pte Corts 12506_Inf-Jur CSVRS

29.09.2022 – Response to documentation request no. 12,506 of article 12 RCV, presented on 29/07/2022 by a member of the Popular Parliamentary Group, of a copy of the legal reports issued and signed in relation to any activity of the Agency from April 1 to June 30, 2022.

Ofici Pte Corts 11795_C no M CSVRS

12.05.2022 – Response to documentation request no. 11,795 of article 12 RCV, presented on 04/12/2022 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, listing and full copy of the administrative records of non-minor contracts authorized or entered into, from January 1, 2022 to March 31, 2022.

Ofici Pte Corts 11796_C m_CSVRS

06.05.2022 – Response to documentation request no. 11,796 of article 12 RCV, presented on 04/12/2022 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, of Relationship and a full copy of the administrative files of minor authorized or concluded contracts, from January 1, 2022 to March 31 of 2022.

Ofici a Pte Corts sol·licitud 11799_Subv CSVRS

03.05.2022 – Response to documentation request no. 11,799 of article 12 RCV, presented on 04/12/2022 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, listing and full copy of the administrative files of all subsidies granted from January 1, 2022 to March 31, 2022.

Ofici a Pte Corts sol·licitud 11798_ByC CSVRS

03.05.2022 – Answer in the request for documentation no. 11,798 of article 12 RCV, presented on 04/12/2022 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, with a copy of the balance sheet and income statement and documentation of the areas that comprise it, in particular, fixed assets, taxes, accounting, treasury, debtors, accruals, suppliers, personnel, profit and loss account, from January 1, 2022 to March 31, 2022.

Ofici a Pte Corts sol·licitud 11797_CPN CSVRS

03.05.2022 – Response to documentation request no. 11,797 of article 12 RCV, presented on 04/12/2022 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, listing and full copy of all files authorized or concluded in relation to contracts negotiated without publicity, from January 1, 2022 until March 31, 2022

Ofici a Pte Corts sol·licitud 11794_CF CSVRS

03.05.2022 – Response to documentation request no. 11,794 of article 12 RCV, presented on 04/12/2022 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, of a copy of all the invoices or documents that justify all the payments delivered from the fixed funds of the Valencian Agency for Prevention and Fight against Fraud from January 1, 2022 to March 31, 2022 and that are derived from expenses corresponding to all the economic subconcepts that can be paid by this mechanism; also a copy of the supporting accounts formulated by the account holders and skills corresponding to the annexes included in Order 2/2017, of March 29, and in application of the regulations governing fixed cash funds.

Ofici Pte Corts 10710_C m_CSVRS

04.02.2022 – Response to documentation request no. 10,710 of article 12 RCV, presented on 3.01.2022 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, regarding the relationship and full copy of the administrative files of the minor contracts authorized or entered into, from October 1, 2021 to December 3, 2021.

Ofici a Pte Corts sol·licitud 10714_Subv CSVRS

03.02.2022 – Response to documentation request no. 10,714 of article 12 RCV, presented on 3.01.2022 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, with a list and full copy of the administrative files of all the grants awarded from October 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.

Ofici a Pte Corts sol·licitud 10713_ByC CSVRS

03.02.2022 – Response to documentation request no. 10,713 of article 12 RCV, presented on 3.01.2022 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a copy of the balance sheet and income statement and documentation of the areas that it is made up, in particular, of fixed assets, taxes, accounting, treasury, debtors, accruals, suppliers, personnel, profit and loss account, from October 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.

Ofici a Pte Corts sol·licitud 10711_CPN CSVRS

03.02.2022 – Response to documentation request no. 10,711 of article 12 RCV, presented on 3.01.2022 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, with a list and full copy of all the files authorized or concluded in relation to contracts traded without advertising, from October 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.

Ofici Pte Corts 10709_C no M CSVRS

03.02.2022 – Response to documentation request no. 10,709 of article 12 RCV, presented on 3.01.2022 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, regarding the relationship and complete copy of the administrative files of the authorized contracts or held, from October 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.

Ofici a Pte Corts sol·licitud 10708_CF CSVRS

03.02.2022 – Response to documentation request no. 10,708 of article 12 RCV, presented on 3.01.2022 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a copy of all invoices or documents that justify all payments made with a charge a fund from the fixed funds of the Valencian Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud from October 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 and derived from expenses corresponding to all economic sub-concepts susceptible to payment by this mechanism; likewise, a copy of the supporting accounts formulated by the account holders and authorized corresponding to the annexes included in Order 2/2017, of March 29, and in application of the regulations governing fixed cash funds.

Ofici Pte Corts 10712 CSVRS

02.02.2022 – Response to documentation request no. 10,712 of article 12 RCV, presented on 3.01.2022 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a copy of the legal reports issued and signed in relation to any activities of the Agency from October 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.

Reply President Corts SD10169

21.01.2022 – Response to documentation request no.. 10,619 of Article 12 RCV, presented on 20/12/2021 by a member of the Compromís Parliamentary Group, for a full copy of documentation relating to payments, contracts and proof of payment relating to a television program.

211122 Ofici a Pte Corts sol·licitud 10443_Subv VAL_CSVRS

23.11.2021 – Response to documentation request no. 10,443 of article 12 RCV, presented on 1.10.2021 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, with a list and full copy of the administrative files of all the grants awarded from July 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021.

211122 Ofici a Pte Corts sol·licitud 10442_ByC VAL_CSVRS

23.11.2021 – Response to documentation request no. 10,442 of article 12 RCV, presented on 1.10.2021 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a copy of the balance sheet and income statement and documentation of the areas that it is made up, in particular, of fixed assets, taxes, accounting, treasury, debtors, accruals, suppliers, personnel, profit and loss account, from July 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021.

211122 Ofici a Pte Corts sol·licitud 10440_CPN VAL_CSVRS

23.11.2021 – Response to documentation request no. 10,440 of article 12 RCV, presented on 1.10.2021 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, with a list and full copy of all the files authorized or concluded in relation to contracts traded without advertising, from July 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021.

211122 Ofici Pte Corts 10439_C m VAL_CSVRS

23.11.2021 – Response to documentation request no. 10,439 of article 12 RCV, presented on 1.10.2021 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, regarding the relationship and full copy of the administrative files of the minor contracts authorized or entered into, from July 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021.

211122 Ofici Pte Corts 10438_C no M VAL_CSVRS

23.11.2021 – Response to documentation request no. 10,438 of article 12 RCV, presented on 1.10.2021 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, regarding the relationship and complete copy of the administrative files of the authorized contracts or held, from July 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021.

Ofici Pte Corts 10441 VAL CSVRS

17.11.2021 – Response to documentation request no.. 10,441 of article 12 RCV, presented on 1.10.2021 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a copy of the legal reports issued and signed in relation to any activities of the Agency from July 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021.

Ofici a Pte Corts sol·licitud 10.437_CF VAL_CSV

15.11.2021 – Response to documentation request no. 10,437 of article 12 RCV, presented on 1.10.2021 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a copy of all invoices or documents that justify all payments made with a charge a fund from the fixed funds of the Valencian Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud from July 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021 and derived from expenses corresponding to all economic sub-concepts susceptible to payment by this mechanism; likewise, a copy of the supporting accounts formulated by the account holders and authorized corresponding to the annexes included in Order 2/2017, of March 29, and in application of the regulations governing fixed cash funds.

211014 ofici pte corts sd 4529 val_CSVRS

14.10.2021 – Response to documentation request no. 4,529 of article 12 RCV, presented on 12.02.2020 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, a full copy of all administrative files in relation to any appointment, designation, contracts or relationship of any other nature between the Agency and Mr. Baltasar Garzón.

211004 oficio a pte corts sd 9685 val_CSVRS

5.10.2021 – Response to documentation request no. 9,685 of article 12 RCV, presented on 26.07.2021 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group of a complete copy of the file in which the resolutions by which the director of the The Agency has ordered the Santa Pola City Council to enroll the officials concerned in the access course to the IVASPE Local Police Technical Scale.

211001 oficio a pte corts sd 9687 val_CSVRS

4.10.2021 – Response to documentation request no. 9,687 of article 12 RCV, presented on 26.07.2021 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group of relation and a full copy of the investigation files in progress related to administrative actions of the City Council of Santa Pola.

211001 ofici pte corts 9686 val_CSVRS

4.10.2021 – Response to documentation request no. 9,686 of article 12 RCV, presented on 1.07.2021 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group of a full copy of the requirements formulated by the Agency to the Santa Pola City Council since its creation and until the date of response to this initiative.

210831 Ofici Pte Corts 9504_CM CSVRS

31.08.2021 – Response to documentation request no. 9,504 of article 12 RCV, present Reported on 1.07.2021 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group of relation and complete copy of the administrative files of the minor contracts authorized or celebrated, since the creation of the Valencian Agency for Prevention and Fight against Fraud from March 1, 2021 until June 30, 2021.

210831 Ofici Pte Corts 9502 CSVRS

31.08.2021 – Response to documentation request no. 9,502 of article 12 RCV, presented on 1.07.2021 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group for the submission of documentation related to legal reports issued and signed in relation to any activities of the Agency.

210824 Remisión Pte Corts SD 9669 CSVRS

24.08.2021 – Response to documentation request no. 9,669 of article 12 RCV, presented on 21.07.2021 by a deputy of the VOX Parliamentary Group, of a full copy of all the investigation files initiated by the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community, which are related to any of the commercial companies Kriol Producciones, SL, Canal Maestrat, SL, Comunicaciones de los Puertos, SA, and Mas Mudo Producciones, SL, including all the actions carried out to date response of this initiative, including all the documentation provided by the aforementioned companies in response to the requirements of the inspection body.

210726 ofici pte corts 9503_c no m val_CSVRS

29.07.2021 – Response to documentation request no. 9,503 of article 12 RCV, presented on 1.07.2021 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, of relation and complete copy of the administrative files of the authorized or executed contracts, since the creation of the Valencian Agency for Prevention and Fight against Fraud from March 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021.

210726 ofici a pte corts sol·licitud 9500_byc val_CSVRS

29.07.2021 – Response to documentation request no. 9,500 of article 12 RCV, presented on 1.07.2021 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, a copy of the balance sheet and income statement and documentation of the areas that comprise it , in particular, fixed assets, taxes, accounting, treasury, debtors, accruals, suppliers, personnel, profit and loss account, from March 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021.

210726 ofici a pte corts sol·licitud 9499_subv val_CSVRS

27.07.2021 – Response to documentation request no. 9,499 of article 12 RCV, presented on 1.07.2021 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, a full copy of all the administrative files of all the grants awarded since March 1 from 2021 to June 30, 2021.

210726 ofici a pte corts sol·licitud 9501_cpn val_CSVRS

27.07.2021 – Answer to the request for documentation no. 9,501 of article 12 RCV, presented on 1.07.2021 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a full copy of all the files authorized or entered into in relation to contracts negotiated without advertising, from March 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021.

210726 ofici a pte corts sol·licitud 9505_cf val_CSVRS

27.07.2021 – Answer to the request for documentation number 9,505 of article 12 RCV, presented on 1.07.2021 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a copy of all invoices or documents that justify all payments made out of funds from the fixed boxes of the Valencian Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud from March 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021 and that are derived from the expenses corresponding to all economic sub-concepts susceptible to payment by this mechanism; likewise, a copy of the supporting accounts formulated by the account holders and authorized corresponding to the annexes included in Order 2/2017, of March 29, and in application of the regulations governing fixed cash funds.


3.06.2021 –Transfer of the answering brief of May 31, 2021 from the AVAF to the brief of May 21, 2021 from the Síndic de Greuges, in relation to complaint 2100376.


02.06.2021- Resolution 350 / X, on support for the investigation of corruption and fraud prevention of the Valencian Antifraud Agency, approved by the Plenary of the Valencian Courts in the session of May 27, 2021 (BOCV No. 170, of 06/02/2021)


18.05.2021 –Transfer of the report of April 30, 2021 of the AVAF in response to the recommendation of the Síndic de Greuges, in relation to complaint No. 2100376.


11.05.2021 –Proposal of two amendments to the Proposal of the Law of Transparency and Good Governance of the Valencian Community, which are added to the eleven presented on February 25, 2012 (RE number 23,111).


13.04.2021 y 06.05.2021 –Answer to the request for documentation No. 8,349 of article 12 RCV, presented on 03/10/2021 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a full copy of the administrative files of the contracts not minor of the AVAF.


13.04.2021 y 06.05.2021 –Answer to the request for documentation No. 8,348 of article 12 RCV, presented on 10.03.2021 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a full copy of the administrative files of the non minor contracts of the AVAF.


13.04.2021  – Answer to the request for documentation No. 8,328 of article 12 RCV, presented on 10.03.2021 by a deputy of the Socialist Parliamentary Group, for a full copy of an investigation file initiated by the AVAF.


13.04.2021  – Answer to the request for documentation No. 8,327 of article 12 RCV, presented on 10.03.2021 by a deputy of the Socialist Parliamentary Group, for a full copy of an investigation file initiated by the AVAF.


13.04.2021  – Answer to the request for documentation No. 8,326 of article 12 RCV, presented on 10.03.2021 by a deputy of the Socialist Parliamentary Group, for a full copy of an investigation file initiated by the AVAF.


13.04.2021  – Answer to the request for documentation No. 8,325 of article 12 RCV, presented on 10.03.2021 by a deputy of the Socialist Parliamentary Group, for a full copy of an investigation file initiated by the AVAF.


07.04.2021  – Answer to the request for documentation No. 8,353 of article 12 RCV, presented on 10.03.2021 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a full copy of the administrative files of all the grants awarded by the AVAF.


06.04.2021  – Answer to the request for documentation No. 8,352 of article 12 RCV, presented on 10.03.2021 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, for a copy of the balance sheet and income statement and documentation of the areas that comprise it.


01.04.2021  – Answer to the request for documentation No. 8,351 of article 12 RCV, presented on 10.03.2021 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group, a full copy of the legal reports issued and signed by the AVAF.


01.04.2021  – Answer to the request for documentation nº 8,350 of article 12 RCV, presented on 10.03.2021 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group of a complete copy of the administrative files in relation to contracts negotiated without advertising of the AVAF.


31.03.2021, 01.04.2021, 09.04.2021 y 26.04.2021 –Answer to the request for documentation nº 8.241 of article 12 RCV, presented on 2.03.2021 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group of a complete copy of all the administrative files related to the appointments by free designation of AVAF personnel.

Resolució de conclusions22.03.2021 – Report issued by the Directorate of Legal Affairs of the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community in relation to the report of a lawyer from the Courts of February 26, 2021 on the requests for documentation of article 12 of the Regulations of the Corts.
Resolució de conclusions10.03.2021 – Answer to the request for documentation No. 7.946 of article 12 RCV, presented on 10.02.2021 by a deputy of the Socialist Parliamentary Group of a full copy of an investigation file initiated by the AVAF.
Resolució de conclusions02.03.2021 – Report addressed to the Síndic de Greuges in response to complaint no. 2100376
Resolució de conclusions26.02.2021 – Proposal of eleven amendments to the Proposal of the Law of Transparency and Good Governance of the Valencian Community (RE number 23,111).
Resolució de conclusions04.02.2021 – Letter from the director of the AVAF addressed to the president of the Corts in relation to the requests for documentation of article 12 of the Regulations of the Courts.
Resolució de conclusions25.01.2021 – Answer to the request for documentation No. 6,827 of article 12 * RCV, presented on 12/23/2020 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group of a full copy of an investigation file initiated by the * AVAF.
Resolució de conclusions06.08.2020 – Answer to the request for documentation No. 5,500 of article 12 RCV, presented on 10.07.2020 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group of a full copy of an investigation file initiated by the AVAF.
Resolució de conclusions29.05.2020 – Answer to the request for documentation no. 4,693 of article 12 RCV, presented on 03/20/2020 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group of a full copy of an investigation file initiated by the AVAF.
Resolució de conclusions11.03.2020 y 11.05.2020 – Proposal for amendments to the Draft Law, of the Generalitat, of the Valencian Public Function (RE number 14,989).
Resolució de conclusions28.02.2020 – Answer to the request for documentation no. 4.146 of article 12 RCV presented on 02.04.2020 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group of a full copy of an administrative file in relation to the lease of the Agency’s headquarters.
Resolució de conclusions28.02.2020 – Answer to the request for documentation no. 4.175 of article 12 RCV presented on 01.30.2020 by a deputy of the VOX Parliamentary Group of a full copy of an administrative file in relation to the lease of the Agency’s headquarters.
Resolució de conclusions21.10.2019 – Answer to the request for documentation no. 1,546 of article 12 RCV presented on 10.09.2019 by a deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group of a full copy of an investigation file initiated by the AVAF.
Resolució de conclusions31.10.2019 – Proposal for the modification of Law 11/2016, of November 28, of the Generalitat, of the Agency to be incorporated in the next Draft Law on Fiscal Measures, Administrative and Financial Management, and Organization of the Generalitat.
Resolució de conclusions31.10.2019 – Proposal for modifying the Generalitat’s Budget Law for the year 2020.
Resolució de conclusions31.10.2018 – Proposal for the modification of Law 11/2016, of November 28, of the Generalitat, of the Agency to be incorporated in the next Draft Law on Fiscal Measures, Administrative and Financial Management, and Organization of the Generalitat.
Resolució de conclusions31.10.2018 – Proposal for the modification of the Generalitat’s Budget Law for the 2019 financial year.
Resolució de conclusions06.06.2018 – Observations on the Draft Law of the Generalitat, the General Inspection of Services and the Alert System for the Prevention of Bad Practices in the Administration of the Generalitat and its instrumental public sector.
Resolució de conclusions31.10.2017 – Proposal for the modification of Law 11/2016, of November 28, of the Generalitat, of the Agency to be incorporated in the next Draft Law on Fiscal Measures, Administrative and Financial Management, and Organization of the Generalitat
Resolució de conclusions31.10.2017 – Proposal to modify the Generalitat’s Budget Law for the 2018 financial year