The role of libraries as a corruption prevention mechanism. The AVAF at the XI National Congress of Public Libraries


Pamplona. – October 20, 2023

The Documentation Service of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency has presented the lecture The role of libraries as a corruption prevention mechanism at the XI National Congress of Public Libraries held in Pamplona from October 18 to 20, 2023.

The presentation prepared by María Teresa López Ferrer, head of the Documentation and Reports Service and Francisco Xavier Saá Úbeda, head of the Agency’s Documentation Support Bureau, has been selected for inclusion in the book of minutes of the congress.

The work prepared by the AVAF Documentation Service is a reflection on the role that libraries have in the fight against corruption. From the review of the contributions in the library literature on the relationship between democracy and public libraries, it highlights the role of public libraries as structural elements of democracy with a direct role in the fight against corruption.

Libraries have played a relevant role in the educational ecosystem and in the formation of the critical spirit of citizens through reading. Currently, information and training needs are more complex than ever, and libraries are a privileged place to acquire knowledge and skills such as digital, economic and legal literacy, necessary to exercise active citizenship and participate in public affairs.

Under the motto “Democracy, reading and the right to information” the biennial congress has been organized by the General Subdirectorate of Library Coordination. The conference has explored, in relation to Europe, the opportunities presented for European public libraries, in particular following the recent alliance between NAPLE, EBLIDA and Public Libraries 2030, as well as policies related to open government and citizen participation in libraries.

The AVAF participates in the II Valencia Public Procurement Congress “Smart public procurement”


Valencia.- September 29, 2023

The director of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, Joan Llinares, participated in the II Public Procurement Congress, held at the ADEIT, on September 28 and 29, 2023.

“Technology applied to the detection of fraud, corruption and conflict of interest in public procurement” was the round table in which the AVAF presented its work and was moderated by Beatriz Montes Sebastián, a career civil servant lawyer. María del Mar Rodríguez Polack and Miguel Calvo Aníbarro, audit team leader and supervisory national investigative analyst, respectively, both belonging to the National Anti-Fraud Coordination Service, participated in the table on the detection of fraud and corruption on Friday, September 29. , of the General Intervention of the State Administration, belonging to the Ministry of Finance and Public Function.

Also part of the round table were the speakers Álvaro Casillas Pérez, head of the Specialized Advice Unit on Conflicts of Interest of the General Intervention of the State Administration of the Ministry of Finance and Public Function, and Carmen Longares Penadés, coordinating inspector of the AEAT Valencia Special Delegation of the State Tax Administration Agency.

The congress was promoted by the Department of Finance and Economic Model of the Generalitat Valencia and the University of Valencia, with the collaboration of the Association of Women in the Public Sector.

The intervention of the director of the AVAF, Joan Llinares, focused on explaining the prevention and investigation work of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, paying special attention to the risks of contracting and the need to establish effective alarm and prevention systems.

*Photo: ADEIT

From strict compliance with the law to the development of a culture of public ethics. The AVAF in the CNIS 2022.


The director of Prevention, Training and Documentation of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, Víctor Almonacid Lamelas, participated in the 2022 Congress of Innovation and Public Services with a presentation at the La Nave auditorium (Madrid) , on December 13, 2022.

Corruption as a problem-generating phenomenon for the quality of democratic institutions and the stability and security of society was the beginning of Víctor Almonacid’s presentation “From strict compliance with the law to the development of a culture of public ethics.”

The main room of the CNIS hosted the exhibition that showed corruption as a real and permanent risk in the exercise of public powers, as well as the need to implement a public integrity strategy, the first step of which is the identification of risks.

The Director of Prevention, Training and Documentation of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency stressed that not identifying and not managing corruption risks increases the chances that a manager or public servant will carry out or tolerate conduct contrary to integrity and public ethics.

Together with preventive mechanisms, integrity frameworks minimize the contingency of risks contrary to integrity.

The opportunity to promote integrity in public administrations has come from the European Union and its concern about how the budget is managed.

The integrity frameworks that develop anti-fraud plans require the involvement of government bodies, as well as information and training at all levels of the organization. The complaints channels (internal and external) are part of the integrity system along with the necessary self-diagnosis of the institution and self-assessment of risks. Codes of ethics or conduct together with IC detection and control measures and internal control close the circle of the necessary integrity frameworks for public administration.

The opportunity to promote integrity in public administrations has come from the European Union and its concern about how the budget is managed.

The event, of a national character, brought together 800 participants, public employees of the local, regional and state administration, of the most varied profiles, experts in electronic administration, data protection, innovation, open data, contracting, transparency and accountability, among others.

We want to thank everyone present in the auditorium and the CNIS organization for their interest in the culture of public integrity, since only with their help can progress be made in the transformation of public administration.