The Director of the AVAF appears in Les Corts to present 6 recommendations to the new bill of the Valencian public function

Valencia, June 11, 2020.– This morning the Director of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, Joan Llinares, in the exercise of the legally attributed functions, has appeared before the Commission of Justice, Government and Local Administration of Les Corts.

The purpose of the appearance has been to present the AVAF’s proposed amendments to the text of the new Valencian civil service bill that is currently being debated.

The Director of the AVAF has presented the 6 proposals highlighting the technical and legal nature of all of them in addition to the fact that in no case do they entail an economic repercussion.

The first of the modifications affects article 4 of the bill insofar as it refers to personnel with their own regulations, in order to include the reference to the entities attached to Les Corts.

The following of the proposals focuses on article 78, which regulates the right to protection of people who work in public administrations and who report irregularities, which is included in the Statute of the complainant regulated in article 14 of the Law 11/2016 of the AVAF.

A proposal is also proposed for articles 97 and 98 of the bill in the sense that it refers in its articles to the Basic Statute of Public Employees since it is included with more precision in the state regulation than in the regional proposal in relation to to ethical and conduct principles.

Finally, it is proposed that the personnel who provide their services in investigation and control bodies, such as the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, can access the situation of special services in order to increase the level of protection against possible pressures or reprisals from their home administrations in addition to reinforcing the independence of the Agency itself.

During the turn of interventions, all the parliamentary groups thanked the previous meetings held with the Director and staff of the AVAF in order to explain in more detail the amendments proposed today.

Link to the video of the intervention in the media library of Les Corts Valencianes
Editable press note in ODT  format
Editable press note in DOC format
Proposed amendments Draft Law of Valencian Public Function editable format ODT
Proposed amendments to the Valencian Public Function Law Project

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