Conference: “Strategies for integrity in public management”
Today the Valencian Antifrau Agency has started the first training activity for public servants, by holding a Conference on “Strategies for integrity in public management”, within the second call of the 2018 Training Plan of the Valencian Institute of Administration Public The activities have been carried out at the headquarters of the IVAP, in the auditorium of the Palau de la Pineda, Plaça de Carme, no. 4, Valencia.
It is a training action open to different cultures and administrations (Generalitat, local authorities, etc.) with the aim of disseminating tools and strategies to promote the prevention of fraud and corruption. The importance of the prevention perspective is emphasized, both in the identification of risks and bad practices, and in the development of systems or frameworks of public integrity that support public servants in their maintenance.
Understanding public integrity as “the consistent positioning and adherence to common ethical values, as well as the set of principles and norms destined to protect, maintain and prioritize the public interest over private interests in the public sector.” Recommendation on Public Integrity, adopted on January 26, 2017..