The Valencian Antifraud Agency collaborates with the IVASPE in the selective courses of technical and superior level of Local Police

#TrainingAVAF The Valencian Institute of Public Security and Emergencies (IVASPE), an organization with 32 years of experience and which has professionally trained more than 70,000 police officers and emergency personnel in the Valencian Community, has included in its selective courses of technical and superior level of Local Police, training sessions given by the Valencian Antifraud…

The Agency participates in the International Seminar on Culture of Legality and the Fight against Corruption

Madrid, March 30, 2023.- The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency has participated in this seminar organized by the Carlos III University of Madrid. The International Seminar “New anti-corruption measures: regulation of lobbying, whistleblowing and the constitution of a state agency” aims to address pending legal measures and reforms in the fight against corruption. The activity focused on…