The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency begins its local training program with a session on the culture of prevention at the Almassora City Council.#TrainingAVAF

Almassora.- January 21, 2025. The session “Culture of Prevention: Strategies for an Integral Administration,” held in collaboration with the Almassora City Council, was the first training activity for local public employees in 2025.


The opening remarks were delivered by the city council’s general auditor, Javier de Miguel, who coordinated the training.


Anselm Bodoque, acting coordinator of the Training, Participation, Communication, and Relations with Other Entities Area of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency (AVAF), presented the Valencian regulatory and institutional framework for combating corruption and the functions of the Agency.


Pilar Moreno, a technician in the area, analyzed the risks and challenges of public procurement, emphasizing prevention policies in local administration.


The lack of planning has been identified as one of the main risks in decision-making within local administration. Understanding the risks that could endanger the effectiveness and efficiency guiding the work of public institutions strengthens the public sector.


Marita Oliver, a technician in the Training Area of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, shared updates and obligations introduced by Law 2/2023 regarding internal reporting systems and external channels.


Proper management of conflicts of interest was one of the topics that garnered the most interest among participants. This risk scenario, where the private, clientelist, or family interests of a public decision-maker could interfere with their professional duties in the service of citizens, is one of the key issues to address.


A total of 42 public employees participated in the training session—28 women and 14 men—from various fields such as local police, auditing, procurement, and human resources, among others.


With this session, the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency begins its 2025 training programs aimed at local public employees, focusing on fraud prevention and promoting public integrity and ethics. The Training Area extends its gratitude to the Almassora City Council for its interest and commitment in organizing this session.


If your public administration is interested in specialized training on integrity and corruption prevention, do not hesitate to write to


Town Hall of Almassora note press:


The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency participates in the sixth edition of the Master’s Degree in Public Procurement and Compliance of the University of Valencia

On January 16, 2025, the Agency participated in the teaching of the Master’s Degree in Public Procurement and Compliance of the University of Valencia, in its sixth edition. It is a Master’s Degree with a multidisciplinary approach in which, in addition to the Agency, different entities and universities collaborate.


The coordinator of the Area of Training, participation, communication and relationship with other entities of the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community, Anselm Bodoque Arribas, gave the presentation “The role developed by anti-fraud agencies in public procurement” during a session of the program of this edition of the Master’s Degree.


The objective of this training activity has been to underline the importance of public integrity and ethics to reduce fraud and corruption, participating in a Master’s Degree of the University of Valencia, where students who are specializing in the different particularities of public procurement and compliance, both from the private and public perspectives, participate. The Agency’s presentation starts with an explanation of how the strategies to fight fraud and corruption are being configured and focuses on the knowledge of the risks in public management and in the public procurement process that may end up constituting a crime in the course of preparing the administrative file.  the award or execution of a public contract.


Anselm Bodoque, began by contextualizing the policies of the fight against corruption in the international changes since the 1990s, to continue with the regulatory framework in relation to corruption, both from the international antecedents, and from the Valencian system of public integrity. To focus on the development of the Agency’s functions and actions, highlighting the importance of prevention for good administration.


During the presentation, the complaints received by different control bodies with an impact on public procurement were used to observe the main risks of fraud and corruption that can occur in public procurement, emphasizing situations of conflicts of interest, illustrating their presentation with examples of malpractice.


The last part of the conference focused on prevention as a tool in the fight against fraud and corruption, from the international reference manuals, to the material prepared by the Agency to strengthen the integrity of the Valencian Community, and the different specific materials prepared in relation to public procurement.


The Training Coordinator of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency ended his speech by thanking the invitation of the University of Valencia and the co-director of the Master’s Degree, María Ángeles Jareño, and wishing success to the students in their professional future.


The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency organizes a webinar on artificial intelligence on the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day

Valencia, 10 December 2024.- The International Anti-Corruption Day was celebrated on 9 December and on this occasion the Agency has organised a webinar on the use of artificial intelligence in the fight against corruption.


On this occasion, Andrés Boix, professor of Administrative Law at the University of Valencia, participated as speakers, who dealt with the legal regime, controls and precautions of the use of artificial intelligence by public administrations for investigation and anti-fraud tasks.


For his part, Óscar Capdeferro, Associate Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Barcelona (UB), focused on the automation of the fight against corruption, beyond the protection of the financial interests of the European Union.


The United Nations Convention against Corruption declared October 31, 200, December 9, as a date to raise awareness and prevent the importance of the fight against corruption.


📹You can see the video of the conference here: