The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency signs a collaboration agreement with the College of Secretaries, Auditors and Treasurers (COSITAL) of Alicante

Valencia, May 30, 2023.- The president of the College of Secretaries, Auditors and Treasurers of the Local Administration of the province of Alicante (COSITAL-Alicante), Santiago Gómez; and the director of the Agency, Joan Llinares, have signed a collaboration agreement between both entities.

Among the planned collaborative actions are training activities in areas such as fraud and corruption prevention, integrity and public ethics, the protection of whistleblowers or reporting channels and anti-fraud plans.

Both institutions will also support each other in promoting a culture of good practices and rejection of fraud and corruption in the design, execution and evaluation of public policies, and in the management of public resources.

Likewise, they have committed to promote and disseminate a culture of ethics and public integrity and collaborate in the regulation and management of conflicts of interest.

If, within the framework of the COSITAL-Alicante agreement, it becomes aware of the existence of persons reporting corruption who suffer, or could suffer, reprisals as a result, COSITAL will inform the Agency so that it can grant them, where appropriate, protection.

Finally, COSITAL-Alicante will include in a visible place within its website, as well as in other media, the link to the Agency’s complaints mailbox from which any person can report any fact or irregularity constituting fraud and corruption that has been committed within the public administrations of the Valencian Community and that can provide evidence of it.