The Valencian Housing and Land Entity, ISTEC and the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency collaborate on public integrity training

#TrainingAVAF The first of the training actions of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency in this year 2023 has been held with the Valencian Housing and Land Entity (EVHa), a public business entity attached to the Second Vice Presidency and Ministry of Housing and Bioclimatic Architecture of the Generalitat Valenciana. A total of three training days, two…

The 5 regional anti-fraud agencies and offices meet in Palma de Mallorca to discuss the impact of the future Whistleblower Law

Mallorca, January 19, 2023.- On January 18, the heads of the regional anti-fraud and corruption agencies and offices met in Palma de Mallorca to coordinate the actions to be followed on the occasion of the entry into force of the Law that transposes into the Spanish legal system known as the Whistleblower Directive. This European…

#DocuforumAVAF begins the year 2023 in the 1st year of high school classrooms of the Colegio Maristas de Algemesí (Valencia) with “Corruption: harmful organism”

#TrainingAVAF Algemesi. – January 16, 2023. The #DocuforumAVAF training activity began in 2023 in the town of Algemesí, in the Ribera Alta region. The Agency’s learning experience consists of several phases and aims to make students reflect on strategies to combat fraud and corruption in society, paying special attention to the need to protect people…