Guide for Developing Public Integrity Plans Related to Next Generation Funds. Visual didactic manual “Conflicts of interest, in terms of public integrity”

The AVAF makes this GUIDE available to any entity or person included in its scope of action, which, as its name indicates, is intended to serve as a ROAD MAP with regard to the minimum contents of public integrity plans, having integrated into its general lines the requirements and guidelines related to Next Generation funds.…

The AVAF debates at the Jaume I University of Castelló the documentary Corruption: harmful organism

#trainingAVAF Last November the docuforum “Corruption: harmful organism” was held in the UJI’s European Union Law classrooms. The viewing of the documentary, in a first session, generated a large number of questions and doubts about the alerts and risks of corruption that occur in public administrations and the protection of whistleblowers. The Valencian Antifraud Agency…