Anonymous Reporting Deniers

For the deniers of anonymous reporting, it does not matter what is reported, however serious it may be. It matters who denounces, because knowing who the complainant  has been, the facts are covered.  They want to know who is reporting because in this way the complainant is pressured, discredited and re-apprehended, or accused of falsehood.…

The AVAF holds four docuforum sessions on the same day. The Valencian Antifraud Agency continues to promote ethics and public integrity among Valencian youth

#TrainingAVAF The learning experience “Docuforum on ethics and public integrity”, created by the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency for the debate on corruption in the classrooms of the Valencian Community, is one of the most demanded training activities of the AVAF. Last Wednesday, May 4, 2022, the AVAF Training Service carried out four docu-forum activities in two…