The Valencia Anti-Fraud Agency facilitates the recovery of 29 million euros in 3 years and keeps 30 individuals and 1 legal person (company) protected

Valencia, June 23, 2023. Today, June 23, is the World Day of the Whistleblower of Corruption and the Agency has organized for this reason a day to commemorate this celebration that coincides with the enactment this year of Law 2/2023 on the protection of the whistleblower of corruption.  The main conference of the day was…

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency presents the book “Code of Integrity of the Valencian Community”

Valencia, June 22, 2023.-  The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency has presented this morning in the Assembly Hall of the building annexed to the Corts Valencianes the book “Code of Integrity of the Valencian Community” that has been published together with the publishing house Tirant Lo Blanch. The book reviews the main international standards to continue with…

The protection and support measures for whistleblowers, the participation of the AVAF in the DeBlanc Chair at the UV

Valencia.- June 20, 2023 The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency participated in the course Relevant aspects in criminal matters of the new regulation of reporting channels in the Spanish legal system of the Deblanc Chair of the University of Valencia. Joan Llinares, director of the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the…