The AVAF trains more than 100 people among the PAS staff of the University of Valencia in integrity

#TrainingAVAF The 3rd edition of the course “Prevention of risks of corruption in public management” has concluded with 104 participants, PAS staff from the University of Valencia, who have been trained for 15 hours on integrity and risk prevention in public management. The Permanent Training and Educational Innovation Service of the UV managed the celebration…

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency creates the Register of Responsible for the internal complaint mailboxes that public administrations must have before June 13

Valencia, June 5, 2023.- Last February, Law 2/2023 regulating the protection of people who report on regulatory infractions and the fight against corruption was approved. This law is the result of the transposition into Spanish law of Directive 2019/1937 on the protection of whistleblowers of corruption, better known as the Whistleblower Directive. This new Law…