The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency signs an agreement with the Civio Foundation for the development of the SceMaps project
València, April 9, 2021.– The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency has signed a collaboration agreement with the Fundación Ciudadana Civio that aims to work together in the development of the SceMaps project.
The Civio Foundation together with the Center for the Study of Democracy in Bulgaria, the University of Trento in Italy and the Expert Forum in Romania are working on the SceMaps project funded by the European Union. This project aims to support European public institutions in improving their governance, including the fight against corruption.
SceMaps is a risk assessment tool used to identify threats of state capture in heavily regulated areas and industries and to monitor anti-corruption policies in member states.
Within this project is the realization of the Monitoring Anticorruption Policy Implementation survey, known as the MACPI survey, and which has the support of the General Directorate of Internal Affairs of the European Union. The Civio Foundation has invited the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency to participate in this survey along with 7 other organizations.
The agreement includes conducting the MACPI survey at the Valencian Antifraud Agency, a survey conducted online and anonymously to public employees as well as external agents related to the AVAF, among which are the entities and associations that are part of the Consell de Participació.
Thanks to this survey, the Agency will be able to assess whether possible vulnerabilities in the field of the fight against corruption are addressed through appropriate policies or, on the contrary, there are implementation or regulation gaps, analyzing the effectiveness of existing measures and proposing case more effective preventive measures.
On the part of the Civio Foundation, its co-director David Cabo has signed the agreement, who thanked the AVAF for its collaboration in “putting into practice a methodology that will allow us to compare the responses of its employees with those of organizations in Italy, Bulgaria and Romania in order to know better how to prevent corruption and avoid bad practices, and that will serve to later formulate recommendations that improve the functioning of the European institutions ”.
On the part of the Agency, its director, Joan Llinares, thanked Civio for inviting the AVAF to participate in the SceMaps project and declared that “this type of collaboration between European organizations and entities undoubtedly allows for solutions and strategies to be sought. joint ventures in the fight against fraud and corruption. It is undoubtedly an opportunity for the Agency to learn the most effective methodology and tools that can help us in the preparation of the future map of corruption risks in the Valencian Community ”.