From strict compliance with the law to the development of a culture of public ethics. The AVAF in the CNIS 2022.


The director of Prevention, Training and Documentation of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, Víctor Almonacid Lamelas, participated in the 2022 Congress of Innovation and Public Services with a presentation at the La Nave auditorium (Madrid) , on December 13, 2022.

Corruption as a problem-generating phenomenon for the quality of democratic institutions and the stability and security of society was the beginning of Víctor Almonacid’s presentation “From strict compliance with the law to the development of a culture of public ethics.”

The main room of the CNIS hosted the exhibition that showed corruption as a real and permanent risk in the exercise of public powers, as well as the need to implement a public integrity strategy, the first step of which is the identification of risks.

The Director of Prevention, Training and Documentation of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency stressed that not identifying and not managing corruption risks increases the chances that a manager or public servant will carry out or tolerate conduct contrary to integrity and public ethics.

Together with preventive mechanisms, integrity frameworks minimize the contingency of risks contrary to integrity.

The opportunity to promote integrity in public administrations has come from the European Union and its concern about how the budget is managed.

The integrity frameworks that develop anti-fraud plans require the involvement of government bodies, as well as information and training at all levels of the organization. The complaints channels (internal and external) are part of the integrity system along with the necessary self-diagnosis of the institution and self-assessment of risks. Codes of ethics or conduct together with IC detection and control measures and internal control close the circle of the necessary integrity frameworks for public administration.

The opportunity to promote integrity in public administrations has come from the European Union and its concern about how the budget is managed.

The event, of a national character, brought together 800 participants, public employees of the local, regional and state administration, of the most varied profiles, experts in electronic administration, data protection, innovation, open data, contracting, transparency and accountability, among others.

We want to thank everyone present in the auditorium and the CNIS organization for their interest in the culture of public integrity, since only with their help can progress be made in the transformation of public administration.

The AVAF, a consolidated strategy of public integrity in the National Congress of Innovation and Public Services 2022


Madrid, December 13, 2022

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency has participated in the CNIS 2022 that took place in La Nave (Madrid) on December 13 and 14, 2022.

The AVAF was present on the first day of the congress with the discussion table “Valencian Antifraud Agency, a consolidated strategy of public integrity”, where the three organizational directions of the Agency were represented.

Anselm Bodoque Arribas, head of the Training Service, was the moderator of a table in which around 60 people shared with the public, the work carried out by the departments of Analysis and Investigation, Legal Affairs and Prevention, Training and Documentation of the Agency to consolidate integrity in public administration.

Internal complaint channels, the AVAF complaint mailbox and its importance were the focus of the intervention of Miguel Furió Ferri, head of the Analysis and Investigation service, of the Directorate of the same name. During the round table, the need to define the interrelation mechanisms between the complainants and the Agency was stressed, as well as the characteristics of the complaint channels and complaint management procedures.

The Directorate of Legal Affairs, led by Juan Vega Felgueroso, a lawyer for the Agency, explained the work in terms of protection of corruption whistleblowers and legal advice carried out by the AVAF. The Agency’s lawyer highlighted the paradigm shift brought about by Directive (EU) 2019/1937 on the protection of persons who report violations of Union Law and the bill that will transpose said directive. And in the debate, the emphasis was placed on the fact that all public administrations should soon have internal and external alert channels.

Integrity -as the driving force behind the transformation of public administration- marked the presentation by Pilar Moreno García, a training technician from the AVAF Prevention, Training and Documentation Department. Through the catalog of AVAF publications, guides and recommendations , public employees and citizens in general can access documents to promote this organizational change.

The training actions developed by the Training Service aimed at personnel at the service of public administrations, university students, children and adolescents and organized civil society is the second key to advancing in public integrity.

During the debate, the need for effective communication on the prevention of corruption was also stressed to publicize the multiple resources available to the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency at

From here we want to thank all those attending the discussion table of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency at the CNIS 2022 for their presence, as well as the organization of the congress for their interest in allowing the AVAF to share their experience in matters of public integrity.

Referents of the citizen movement and the legal field protagonists of the Conference on urbanism and corruption

Valencia, december 12, 2022.- On the occasion of the  celebration on December 9  of the International Day  for the Fight against Corruption, the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency organized a Conference to debate and reflect on urban planning and the risk of corruption.

The day, attended by the President of the Provincial Council of Valencia, Antoni F. Gaspar, began with the opening by the director of the Agency, Joan Llinares, and included two round tables. The first of the tables focused on the importance of citizen participation in the fight against corruption in the urban field and was moderated by Consuelo Vidal of the Observatori Ciutadà against Corruption.

In this table participated the architect Carles Dolç who stressed the complexity and secrecy in the relations between public administrations and real estate capital; and the architect Itziar González who showed her experience in promoting the Citizens’ Parliament.

The second table focused on the legal vision of the fight against urban corruption and in this case the moderator was the professor and doctor in Political Science Fernando Jiménez who is also a member of the Consell de Participació of the Agency.

The lawyer and member of Transparencia Urbanística, Irma Ferrer, focused her speech on her experience in the fight against urban corruption that she carries out in Lanzarote and launched the idea of criminal urbanism that can lead us to the extinction ofthe species.

Magistrate Joaquim Bosch spoke of the Francoist roots that are behind a clientelist model among businessmen and that explains urban corruption from the collusion between private interests  and the political class.

The day ended with the reading of the conclusions by the deputy director of the Agency, Teresa Clemente and was held in person at the Palacio Colomina of the Cardenal Herrera CEU University.

It was also broadcast online and is available at the following link: