In order to promote the establishment of a culture of integrity in each of the public institutions, for the protection of the general interest, the AVAF has prepared the guide on the public integrity plan.
The establishment of a culture of integrity and public ethics must entail a paradigm shift in all public administrations, which makes it possible for the prevention of fraud and corruption to form part of the normal and habitual work of public organizations.
On December 21, the Valencian Antifraud Agency participated in the Seminar Preparation of an antifraud plan at the local level, organized by the General Directorate of Transparency, Citizen Attention and Good Governance of the Department of Participation, Transparency, Cooperation and Democratic Quality with the participation of the provincial councils and the FVMP, and the collaboration of the AVAF.
After the presentation of the activity, by Joan Llinares, director of the AVAF and Antoni Llorente, regional secretary for Participation and Transparency, the two presentations of the day took place.
Irene Bravo, head of the Prevention Service of the Valencian Antifraud Agency, explained the AVAF Guide on public integrity plans. The anti-fraud plan in the key of integrity; while Carmen Vilanova, director of the Office of Planning and Economic Promotion of the Castelló de la Plana City Council shared her speech Application of anti-fraud plans to local management, in which she explained the experience of her city council.
The context for the preparation of the AVAF Guide has been Order HFP / 1030/2021, of September 29, which configures the management system of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. The vision of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency is integrity in the face of any irregularity to protect all types of public funds, always oriented to the achievement of the general interest. In this sense, the requirement derived from Order HFP / 1030/2021 is an essential opportunity to improve the culture of public integrity.
For this reason, Irene Bravo highlighted that the development of a public integrity plan in an organization is a process that implies dedication, effort and actions of continuous and participated improvement; but that this work will be positive for elected officials, public managers, public employees and the general public, since the good administration of public affairs is at stake.
The AVAF Guide was explained by the head of the Agency’s Prevention Service, highlighting the various dynamics of implementation of the institutional integrity system that appear in it:
- The involvement of the governing bodies in the approval of the integrity policy. Mandatory preventive measure of the aforementioned Order HFP / 1030/2021
- Information and practical training at all organizational levels. Despite being collected as an optional preventive measure in the aforementioned Order. Mixed training is advocated (theoretical, practical and workshops or role playing)
- Communication channels and complaint channels (Internal and external)
In this framework, the Agency participates and collaborates in training actions to offer knowledge and sensitize personnel at the service of public administrations about the importance of including institutional integrity in the organizational culture.
The AVAF Guide. Public Integrity Plan: Roadmap and Facilitating Annexes of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, aims to assist in the work of preparing anti-fraud plans and help in the gradual implementation of the public integrity system in each organization. It is available for download: https://www.antifraucv.es/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Guia_avaf_plan_de_integridad_publica.pdf
The presentation of “La Guia d’Integritat Pública de l’AVAF” is available for download at:https://www.antifraucv.es/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Ponencia-Guia-AVAF-sobre-planes-de-integridad-publica..pdf
Video of the workshop “Preparation of an anti-fraud plan at the local level”: