The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency provides training on conflict of interest to those responsible for the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism of the Generalitat Valenciana


The AVAF has given a conference/workshop on managing the risk of conflict of interest at the request of the General Directorate of Government Action of the Generalitat Valenciana for the people who hold the direction of Programs for the Management of European Funds in the eleven Consellerias , as well as staff from LABORA, IVACE and Turismo Comunitat Valenciana.

The Agency’s Training Service, made up of Anselm Bodoque, head of the Service, Pilar Moreno and Marita Oliver, area technicians, energized the workshop in which conflict of interest was studied in depth, understood as the situation in which The impartial and objective exercise of the functions of the public employee has been compromised for family, affective, political or national affinity reasons, economic interest or for any other direct or indirect reason of personal interest.

Throughout the four hours of training, the risk of conflict of interest as a prelude to corruption and the existing tools to address it have been studied in depth.

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency has several publications on conflicts of interest where the following stand out:



The training has had the very active participation and interest of more than 35 management managers of the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism of the Generalitat Valenciana. Julia Moreno (GVA Presidency) and Olga García-Pozuelo (Department of Agriculture) will be the facilitators and promoters of the day by the Generalitat Valenciana.

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency provides training at the Center for Legal Studies


Gustavo Segura, director of Analysis and Investigation of the AVAF, has participated in the course of the 61st promotion of access to the tax career on Wednesday, May 17, 2023.

“Crimes against the Public Administration” has been the training module taught by the AVAF in which the participants have been able to learn in detail about this type of crime during the theoretical-practical phase of the course.

The 61st promotion is made up of 100 trainee prosecutors, 73 women and 27 men.

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency has been present in previous training courses for access to the tax career to publicize the role of offices and agencies in the fight against fraud and corruption, such as the round table held on June 1, 2022 in Madrid.

Two new #DocufòrumAVAF with first and second year students of Management and Public Administration from the Jaume I University of Castelló


Two new #DocufòrumAVAF with first and second year students of Management and Public Administration from the Jaume I University of Castelló

The #DocufòrumAVAF is an activity aimed at promoting the social culture of civic ethics, public integrity, fraud prevention and rejection of corruption among students of all University degrees.

On this occasion, the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency has discussed these issues with students of the first and second year of the Public Management and Administration Degree on Friday, May 12, 2023. The two docuforums took place at the Faculty of Law and Economics, of the Jaume I University of Castelló.

Fifty-seven students from two groups of the subjects of Administrative Law, systematization, sources and organization and Legal protection of citizens before the Administration participated in the training activity.

The activity had the collaboration of Professor Pepa Fabregat Aragonés from the Universitat Jaume I. Anselm Bodoque, head of the AVAF Training Service, was responsible for energizing the debate sessions with the students.

After watching the documentary “Corruption: Harmful Organism”, the students ask questions focused on the origin and causes of corruption, the social impact and collective costs it entails, the different control bodies, and the perception of corruption in our society and in other countries around us.

Subsequently, the AVAF representative discusses with the students the issues raised in their questions and others related to the need for greater public ethics and integrity, prevention strategies and civic training, the functions of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency and public policies on fight against corruption, focusing part of the conference on the legal framework of integrity that the Valencian Community has built in recent years that allows the improvement of the democratic quality of the institutions.

During the session, the students showed interest in the guarantees of confidentiality in complaints, and in how much corruption there is in public administrations. He also showed interest in controls and strategies to fight against fraud and corruption in Spain.

If you are a university, secondary or baccalaureate teacher and you are interested in having the training activity #DocufòrumAVAF “Corruption: harmful organism” carried out in your subject, do not hesitate to contact the Training Service of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency through from