UNISOCIETAT Cullera knows the importance of the European Social Charter

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, in collaboration with the Vice-Rector’s Office for Territorial Action and Society of the University of Valencia, carries out training activities in the prevention of fraud and corruption in public life throughout the Valencian territory.

On October 26, Carmen Salcedo Beltrán, Professor of Labor Law at the University of Valencia, addressed the importance of the European Social Charter as an instrument to carry out a fair recovery and with public integrity.

At the conference entitled “Social Rights and COVID19”, the value of the ratification by Spain of the revised version of the European Social Charter together with the Collective Claims Protocol, a ratification that had been claimed for more than two years, was underlined decades.

The European Social Charter is the European Treaty par excellence of social rights and the most expeditious guarantee system of all those existing in the framework of social rights in all spheres and levels of government. The exhibition was actively followed by 25 people, who asked multiple questions at the end of the conference.

AVAF’s participation in the Unisocietat conference is based on the collaboration agreement between the Agency and the University of Valencia with the aim of raising social awareness on collective ethics and the prevention of fraud and corruption.


The AVAF document “Corruption: harmful organism” reaches the University of Alicante.

The learning experience of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency took place on October 20 within the subject of History of Law of the Law degree (Group 4) of the University of Alicante.

After having seen, in a previous session, the documentary “Corruption: harmful organism”, the debate session was held with the presence of a training technique in the university classroom.

Responding to the doubts and questions raised by university students and showing the functions performed by the AVAF were the common thread of the second session.

Knowing the process of investigating complaints that reach the Agency, how whistleblowers are protected from corruption in the AVAF, as well as the role of national authorities in the control of legality in municipalities, were some of the questions formulated by university students.

The need for a national anti-corruption agency and interest in the functions of the AVAF were some of the recurring issues in the classroom, along with the necessary independence of the offices and agencies that focus their work on prevention, detection and prosecution. of corruption.

The activity has been organized in collaboration with the Professor of Law History, Jorge Payà from the University of Alicante, who actively motivated the students to discuss the need for a culture of public integrity and rejection of fraud and corruption.

The very high participation and interest shown by the class about the existing tools to prevent corruption and its effects have been manifested in a very positive assessment of the training experience by the students.

The learning experience promoted by the AVAF has allowed the debate on the importance of public integrity and the effects of corruption to take place inside and outside the classroom, taking into account that the students felt highly impacted by the reality shown in the documentary and for the vital situations experienced by the alerting persons.

If you are a university, Secondary or Baccalaureate teacher and you are interested in the training activity “Docuforum: Corruption, harmful organism” being carried out in your subject, do not hesitate to contact the Training Service of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency through from formacion@antifraucv.es


Bétera debate on Covid-19, vaccination and corruption risks

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency participated in the Unisocietat training activity of the University of Valencia organized in Bétera to discuss the risks of corruption generated by covid-19 and the vaccination process.

The activity is based on the collaboration agreement between the Agency and the University of Valencia and its objective is to raise social awareness in collective ethics and the prevention of fraud and corruption in all areas of public life throughout the Valencian territory.

The conference, entitled “The perception of corruption by citizens in vaccination against Covid-19”, was given by UV professor Yolanda García Ruiz, an expert in fundamental rights.

The activity was attended by 20 people and in the debate, in addition to the vaccination strategies, the issue of irregularities, fraud and corruption detected in the vaccination process was addressed. The representatives of the Agency insisted on the need for preventive, comprehensive and responsible management in administrative contracts carried out through the emergency mechanism, which have been frequent throughout the pandemic, and which constitute a risk for proper public management.