Seasonal Universities in Castell d’Alaquàs

On Thursday, October 15, 2020, the 3rd edition of the Seasonal Universities program was held in Castell d’Alaquàs, promoted by the Vice-Rector for Territorial Projection and Society of the University of València together with the Valencia Provincial Council, the Alaquàs City Council, Caixa Popular and the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency.
The conference brought together professionals from different fields who discussed infrastructure and mobility in the Horta Sud region from a historical perspective and with a vision of the future.
On behalf of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, the Director of Prevention, Training and Documentation, Sílvia Vèrnia, participated, who presented the conference sponsored by the AVAF that was given by Carmen Montalba, professor at the University of Valencia and co-director of the Chair of Participation, Open Government and Open Data.

“In Spain, people who complain about corruption continue to be condemned”, declared Joan Llinares at the Seminar on Politics 2.0

València, October 15, 2020.- The Director of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, Joan Llinares, has participated this morning in the XI Seminar on Policy 2.0 which this year has focused on the analysis of the institutional integrity policies that are being carried out finished.

During his speech, Llinares declared that “in Spain, people who denounce cases of fraud and corruption continue to be condemned, as has happened in the recent sentence in the Gürtel case in which the councilor who uncovered all the facts has been sentenced to 4 years jail”.

“The protection of those who report corruption is a priority issue if we really want to fight against corruption and on this point the AVAF has been a pioneer as it is the first authority in Spain to offer this type of protection. At the moment 21 people have accepted the Agency’s Protection Statute ”, added Llinares.

He also pointed out during his speech that we are at a key moment since we are in the 2-year period for the transposition of the European Directive 2019/1937 for the protection of persons who report corruption, better known as the Whistleblowers Directive.

“The Ministry of Justice, which is in charge in Spain of coordinating and promoting the work of the transposition of the Directive, should have opened the call for a public hearing in September and we hope that in the coming weeks this call will be effective as this Directive will allow to provide protection to those people who denounce acts constituting fraud and corruption ”, he pointed out.

The seminar has been organized by the Chair of Citizen Participation, Open Government and Open Data (PAGODA) of the University of Valencia together with the Ministry of Transparency of the Generalitat Valenciana and the Valencian Association of Political Science (AVAPOL) and has been held under the online mode due to the current health situation.

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Editable note in DOC format

Docufórum organized by the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency

Valencia. October 15, 2020. 43 students and 2 professors of the Public Administration Management career participated on October 14, 2020 in the Docufòrum activity organized by the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency.

The objective of this activity is that the students, from the viewing of the documentary “Corruption: harmful organism”, debate together with technical personnel from the training and prevention area of ​​the AVAF on the need to create an ethics and integrity in the public administrations as a measure to fight fraud and corruption.