The AVAF exposes its work as a library and documentation center at the Spanish Information and Documentation Conference 2023
Granada. – June 1, 2023
The Documentation Service of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency participated last June 2023 in the Spanish Information and Documentation Conference 2023 held in Granada.
María Teresa López Ferrer, head of the Documentation and Reports Service, and Francisco Xavier Saá Úbeda, head of the Agency’s Documentation Support department, presented a poster at the conference about the AVAF Library and Documentation Center.
It was highlighted, first of all, that article 29 of the AVAF Regulation establishes that “the Agency will have a specialized documentary fund in the prevention and fight against fraud and corruption, and in the promotion of integrity and good practices in the administration, with the aim of building a reference documentation center (…) that is at the service of citizens”.
Starting from this legal imperative, the Agency’s library and documentation center, as explained in the panel, was created to contribute to the creation of a social culture of rejection of corruption.
In this way, the Agency puts qualified information at the service of citizens both to be able to defend their fundamental rights against fraud and corruption, and to have access to information, education and culture in general.
Power in your hands: libraries, archives, museums was the motto of the conference. The motto was intended to highlight the power and transformation capacity of these cultural institutions for guaranteeing democratic access to information, leisure and culture. The JEID23 were organized on June 1 and 2 by the Spanish Federation of Archival, Library, Documentation and Museum Societies (FESABID) and the Faculty of Communication and Documentation of the University of Granada, and professionals from archives, libraries, museums, documentalists in general, as well as Information and Documentation Degree students.