The Association of Local Administration Computer Technicians (ATIAL) and the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency collaborate in training for the deployment of internal reporting channels


On April 5, the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency has given a training session for ATIAL staff and ICT public employees who implement the different work tools in the Local Administration.

The conference was entitled “#ATIALVirtual. Deployment of an internal reporting channel in 60 minutes”, within its monthly ATIALVirtualTIC programming, with the aim of responding to one of the obligations derived from Law 2/2023 for all public administrations, such as the implementation of internal information for the communication of infractions of the legal system before the term of implementation of June 13, 2023.

In the training activity, the technical aspects of the Agency’s Complaints Mailbox were exposed as an external channel of the independent Informant Protection Authority (art. 16 Law 2/2023) and the deployment and configuration to be used as an internal channel of a city council (Articles 5 and 7 Law 2/2023).

The Agency uses a free software platform, Globaleaks, for the management of the external reporting channel since 2018, which it offers to the different administrations, presenting the free software to implement the internal information systems for the management of reports, with all the security guarantees. and confidentiality established by Law 2/2023. And from the experience of five years of working with this software, the requirements, how to implement, configure and manage it were revealed, all with a live demonstration of a practical case.

On this occasion, the training was given by personnel from the Agency’s ICT service: Javier Alamá and Maribel Valero, head of the ICT Service and head of the IT Coordination unit, respectively.

73 people participated in the online activity, ATIAL partners and public personnel at the service of the local administration of the Valencian Community.

The attendees have shown interest in the technical part of the system, raising some specific cases and have expressed concern regarding the management procedure of the system that each administration must approve, as well as whether the Provincial Councils were going to provide service to some local entities.

The Agency thanks ATIAL for organizing this training day, as well as for the interest shown in facilitating the implementation of zero-cost reporting channels in local administrations, thus helping to create a culture of public integrity and rejection of fraud and corruption. In this case, with the implementation of the necessary tools to receive information on possible infringements, and thus meet one of the obligations derived from Law 2/2023.

If you wish to have specialized training in integrity and corruption prevention in your public administration, do not hesitate to write to

Denia City Council and the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency collaborate on integrity training


The collaboration between the Denia City Council and the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community (AVAF) began in December 2022 with the signing of a protocol that marked the starting point for the emergence of joint projects .

The training activities for the promotion of ethics and public integrity, as well as the prevention and detection of fraud and corruption risks are part of the agreed protocol and have given rise to the conference “Integrity, public ethics and fraud prevention in the administration local” held on Tuesday, April 4 in Dénia.

The workshop was presented by the councilor Francesc Josep Roselló Sirero and was given by AVAF technical personnel who had come to the town.

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, throughout the four hours of training, had the opportunity to share with nearly 70 public employees and elected officials of the municipal corporation the Valencian regulatory and institutional framework in the fight against corruption, as well as the novelties and obligations entailed by the new state regulations on the protection of whistleblowers of regulatory infractions, Law 2/2023.

Anselm Bodoque, head of the Training Service of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, presented the public policies for the prevention of fraud and corruption, as well as the reason for being and functions of the AVAF. The culture of public integrity promoted by the AVAF and the prevention of risks in decision-making in the local administration was the subject addressed by Pilar Moreno, a technician from the Agency’s Training Service. In turn, Marita Oliver, an AVAF training technician, focused her speech on the basic aspects of the anti-corruption cycle.

The participation of the attendees came hand in hand with the “Conflict of interest and public integrity” workshop led by Agency staff, as well as the use of gamification tools that made it possible to warn that the risk that most needs to be addressed in the decision making is the lack of planning.

Public contracting, the lack of planning in the management of administrations, as well as the need to update the plan of anti-fraud measures due to the novelties contemplated in Law 2/2023 focused the public debate that took place in the last part of the day formative.

The Denia City Council approved its Anti-Fraud Measures Plan in February 2022 and with this activity importance is attached to training in public integrity and corruption prevention in public administrations.

If you wish to have specialized training in integrity and corruption prevention in your public administration, do not hesitate to write to

The Valencian Antifraud Agency collaborates with the IVASPE in the selective courses of technical and superior level of Local Police


The Valencian Institute of Public Security and Emergencies (IVASPE), an organization with 32 years of experience and which has professionally trained more than 70,000 police officers and emergency personnel in the Valencian Community, has included in its selective courses of technical and superior level of Local Police, training sessions given by the Valencian Antifraud Agency (AVAF).

On this occasion, we have participated in the training of the 45th and 46th editions of the selective course of the technical scale for access to the categories of inspector and mayor of the local police and the 46th and 47th editions of the selective course of the scale superior for access to the categories of commissioner and main commissioner of the local police. Both courses promoted by the head of the IVASPE Training Area, Juan Vicente Hernández Pamplona; and coordinated by the mayor of the local police of Elche, José Eugenio Medina Sarmiento.

The training days with the two courses were taught online on March 27 for the Elche group and on April 3 for the Cheste group. On both occasions the training was carried out by the director of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, Joan A. Llinares Gómez, with a conference on “Law 2/2023, a paradigm shift in the fight against corruption. Impact on the Valencian Community”.

The training was based on the obligations derived from Law 2/2023 such as: the implementation of internal channels in the different administrations, the existence of the external complaints channel available in the AVAF since 2018; whistleblower protection, regulated by Law 11/2016 of the Generalitat and Law 2/2023; and the Independent Administrative Authority and its equivalent in the Valencian Community, the AVAF as the competent autonomous authority.

Fifty-eight students from the technical and superior corps of the Local Police participated in the training sessions, coming from 36 municipalities of the Valencian Community.

The training served for the students to learn more about the work of the Agency and its powers, since both institutions collaborate in their actions to improve integrity in the public sector. The participants showed interest in the treatment given to the anonymous complaint, the false complaint and the sanctioning power, being a body that is also familiar with the complaints.

The Agency thanks IVASPE for including these training days in its standardized courses, as well as the interest shown in the functions and powers of the Agency in the interest of greater collaboration and the obligations derived from Law 2/2023.

If you wish to have specialized training in integrity and corruption prevention in your public administration, do not hesitate to write to