The AVAF visits the IES Honori García in La Vall d’Uixó with #DocuforumAVAF


Vall d’Uixó. – February 26, 2024

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency is present for the first time in an institute in the province of Castellón, specifically in the municipality of La Vall d’Uixó, with the #DocuforumAVAF activity.

With this new training action in schools and institutes of the Valencian Community in 2024, the AVAF continues to highlight the importance of integrating the fight against fraud and corruption in public administration in the debate of students who will soon become citizens in their own right.

The Honori García High School of Vall d’Uixó has been the first in the province of Castellón to participate in the #UnitedAgaintsCorruption celebration, which among other objectives aims to empower youth in matters of public integrity.

The protagonist of the learning experience has been the 31 students of the first year of high school in the subjects of “Economy” and “Democratic Culture” taught thanks to the collaboration of teacher Ivana Nevot Almansa.

After watching the documentary “Corruption: harmful organism” by Pandora Box TV in the classroom, the students expressed their doubts and questions about the issues raised in the documentary to be resolved by the AVAF staff who visited their classrooms.

Pilar Moreno García, AVAF training technician, in a second face-to-face session in the classroom, presented the work of the Agency and stimulated a debate around the doubts of those present on Monday, February 26.

The contributions of youth to the fight against corruption, as well as investigations by the AVAF and the figure of the interveners of the local administration, have been some of the doubts raised by the students of the IES Honori García de La Vall d’Uixó and answered by the Agency’s training technician.

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency continues with the territorial expansion of its awareness and dissemination training actions, in schools and institutes of the Valencian Community in the 2023-2024 academic year, with the celebration of this #DocuforumAVAF in the province of Castellón.

If you are a university, high school or 4th year ESO teacher in the Valencian Community and are interested in having the training activity “Docuforum: Corruption, harmful organism” carried out in your classroom, do not hesitate to contact the training service of the Valencian Antifraud Agency through

AVAF training day brings together local entities from across the Valencian Community


Valencia.- February 7, 2024 

5 local entities from across the Valencian Community have been the protagonists of the new online training of the Training Service of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency.

The town councils of Crevillent and Jacarilla, from the province of Alicante; The Puig de Santa María from the province of Valencia and the Vall d’Uixò together with the Intermunicipal Association of Alto Palancia from the province of Castellón were the local entities participating in the online conference “Integrity, public ethics and prevention of fraud in the administration local” organized by the AVAF.

On Wednesday, February 7, for 4 hours, more than 90 public employees from the five local entities of the Valencian Community attended a day to learn more about the institutional integrity system in our region, as well as the functions of the Agency, through the presentation of Anselm Bodoque Arribas, head of the AVAF Training Service.

The importance of the culture of public integrity and the risks of fraud and corruption that may exist in the local administration were addressed by Pilar Moreno, the Agency’s training technician. The cycle of anti-fraud measures, with special attention to the detection, correction and prosecution phases, were presented by Marita Oliver, AVAF training technician. During their session, emphasis was placed on the AVAF reporting channel as an external channel for the local entities of the Valencian Community.

The online day ended with a workshop on the management of conflict of interest in local administration, facilitated by the AVAF Training Service. The active participation of public employees at the event made it possible to know that the lack of planning is the most noted risk that must be taken into account when making decisions in the local administration.

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, with this new training activity, maintains its commitment to training in integrity and prevention of corruption for personnel serving the Valencian local administration.

If you wish to have specialized training in ethics and public integrity in your public administration, do not hesitate to write to

#DocuforumAVAF for the third consecutive year at the Maristas School of Algemesí


Algemesi. – February 5, 2024

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency begins its training activity in schools and high schools in the Valencian Community in 2024 with the #DocuforumAVAF activity at the Nuestra Señora de la Salut – Maristas de Algemesí school.

The protagonists of the learning experience have been the 35 students from the first year of high school, taught during the tutorial class, thanks to the collaboration of teachers Jose Antonio Martorell and Vicent Ferris.

The Agency participates in the #UnitedAgaintsCorruption #UnidosContraLaCorrupción celebration on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the signing of the 2023 United Nations Convention against Corruption with activities that aim to participate in the empowerment of youth in matters of integrity.

The #DocuforumAVAF training activity is held in two sessions. In the first one, the Pandora Box TV documentary “Corruption: Harmful Organism” is viewed in the classroom. Afterwards, the students express their doubts and questions about the issues raised in the documentary.

In a second session, with the AVAF staff in the classroom, a debate forum was organized around the doubts of those present, which on this occasion took place on Monday, February 5.

Pilar Moreno García, training technician of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, was present in the classroom where she explained the origin, functions and experience of the AVAF in terms of protecting corruption informants and the reporting channels.

The consequences of corruption, the penalties in relation to these crimes, the possibility of eliminating fraud from society, as well as the mechanisms to report them were some of the doubts formulated and answered by the AVAF technician.

The Agency begins, with the celebration of this #DocuforumAVAF, its awareness and dissemination activities in schools and institutes of the Valencian Community in the 2023-2024 academic year.

If you are a university, high school or 4th year ESO teacher in the Valencian Community and are interested in having the training activity “Docuforum: Corruption, harmful organism” carried out in your classroom, do not hesitate to contact the training service of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency through