The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency at the IES Historian Chabàs in Denia with #DocuforumAVAF


Dénia has hosted a new training activity of the Valencian Antifraud Agency, consisting of the #DocuforumAVAF for educational centers and universities of the Valencian Community.

The IES Historian Chabàs has held two training sessions with the AVAF in its classrooms, aimed at students in 4th year of ESO and 1st year of Baccalaureate.

The learning experience offered by the Agency has been held in a single session, in which the participants have had the opportunity to watch the documentary “Corruption: harmful organism” and discuss at the end of it.

The students of the 1st year of high school have been the first to participate in the docuforum, showing interest in the investigation process upon receiving a complaint in the AVAF mailbox. The second #DocuforumAVAF held at the institute has had 4th ESO students as protagonists.

The #DocuforumAVAF sessions carried out at the IES Historian Chabàs in Denia, have been energized by the training technique Pilar Moreno. The AVAF Training Service uses gamification tools in the classroom to stimulate debate and encourage student participation in the docuforum.

During the conference at the IES Historian Chabàs, more than 100 students had the opportunity to learn about the work of the AVAF, its objectives, functions, structure, and present and future challenges in matters such as the protection of corruption informants and the systems of information.

With this new training activity at the IES Historian Chabàs in Denia, the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency continues its presence in schools, institutes and universities throughout the Valencian Community.

If you are a university or high school teacher in the Valencian Community and you are interested in having the training activity “Docuforum: Corruption, harmful organism” carried out in your classroom, do not hesitate to contact the training service of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency via

New presence of the #DocufòrumAVAF in the classrooms of the Faculty of Law of the University of Valencia


The #DocufòrumAVAF learning experience, created by the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency for the debate on corruption in the classrooms of the Valencian Community, is one of the most demanded training activities of the AVAF.

In the 2022-2023 academic year, the Faculty of Law of the University of Valencia has included the AVAF University Docufòrum activity in the Center Innovation Project (PIC).

The #DocufòrumAVAF is an activity aimed at promoting the social culture of civic ethics, public integrity, fraud prevention and rejection of corruption among students of all University degrees.

On Thursday, February 16, 2023 in the afternoon, a new #DocufòrumAVAF was held at the Faculty of Law, of the University of Valencia.

73 students from the Administrative Law I and II subject of the second and third years of the Law Degree have participated in the training activity, with the collaboration of professors José Vicente Sánchez-Tarazaga and Hilario Llavador from the Department of Administrative Law and Procedural. Anselm Bodoque Arribas, head of the AVAF Training Service, was responsible for energizing the debate session with the students.

After watching the documentary “Corruption: Harmful Organism”, the students ask questions focused on the origin and causes of corruption, the social impact and collective costs it entails, the perception of corruption in our society and in other countries of our around.

They also asked about the obligation of public officials and administrations to collaborate in investigations, and about how the transposition of European Directive 2019/1937 will affect the protection of whistleblowers.

Subsequently, the AVAF representative discusses with the students the issues raised in their questions and others related to the need for greater public ethics and integrity, prevention strategies and civic training or the functions of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency and public policies. of fighting corruption.

In the debate, the students particularly insisted on the functioning of the judicial system and the means available to them in corruption processes. He was also concerned about the strategies to fight against fraud and corruption in Spain, in the functions of the AVAF and in the integrity framework of the Valencian Community.

The activity has been organized in collaboration with the University of Valencia, which we thank for its interest and willingness to help create a culture of public integrity and rejection of fraud and corruption.

If you are a university, secondary or baccalaureate teacher and you are interested in having the training activity #DocufòrumAVAF “Corruption: harmful organism” carried out in your subject, do not hesitate to contact the Training Service of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency through from

First #DocufòrumAVAF of 2023 in the classrooms of the Faculty of Law of the University of Alicante


The #DocufòrumAVAF learning experience, created by the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency for the debate on corruption in the classrooms of the Valencian Community, is one of the most demanded training activities of the AVAF.

The #DocufòrumAVAF is an activity aimed at promoting the social culture of civic ethics, public integrity, fraud prevention and rejection of corruption among students of all University degrees.

On Monday, February 13, 2023, the first #DocufòrumAVAF of the academic course 2022-2023 was held at the Faculty of Law, of the University of Alicante. 59 students from the Administrative Law I subject of the Double Degree in Law and International Relations have participated in the training activity, with the collaboration of Professor Josep Ochoa. Anselm Bodoque Arribas, head of the AVAF Training Service, was responsible for invigorating the session with the students.

After watching the documentary “Corruption: Harmful Organism”, the students ask questions, which in this case focused on the origin and causes of corruption, the social impact and collective costs it entails, the perception of corruption in our society and in other neighboring countries.

Subsequently, the AVAF representative discusses with the students the issues raised in their questions and others related to the need for greater public ethics and integrity, prevention strategies and civic training or the functions of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency and public policies. of fighting corruption.

In their interventions, the students particularly insisted on the control system in general and on the strategies and legislation to fight against fraud and corruption in Spain, especially the integrity framework of the Valencian Community.

The activity has been organized in collaboration with the University of Alicante, which we thank for its interest and willingness to help create a culture of public integrity and rejection of fraud and corruption.

If you are a university, secondary or baccalaureate teacher and you are interested in having the training activity #DocufòrumAVAF “Corruption: harmful organism” carried out in your subject, do not hesitate to contact the Training Service of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency through from