Younger people also want public integrity. #DocuforumAVAF at the IES Bernat Guinovart in Algemesí.


Algemesi. – May 24, 2024

The 4th year of ESO and 1st year of high school students from the IES Bernat Guinovart in the Valencian town of Algemesí have been the last to have had the opportunity to learn about the work of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency in the 2023–2024 school year. The activity was carried out by Pilar Moreno García, AVAF training technician.

From February 5 to May 24, 222 people from secondary and high school have participated in the #DocuforumAVAF activity of the Training Service. There have been a total of 8 activities in 6 institutes and schools throughout the territory of the Valencian Community, from Almassora to Xàbia, passing through La Vall d’Uixò and Algemesí.

In this way, the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency continues to commit to contributing to the debate in classrooms to promote ethics and public integrity among Valencian youth.

On Friday, May 24, the Agency’s Training Service returned to the Ribera Alta region, to the town of Algemesí, with #DocuforumAVAF. The more than 40 students from IES Bernat Guinovart approached the work of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, a public institution unknown to them. In the open and participatory discussion with the students, Pilar Moreno García, training technician, resolved the doubts of the students, after viewing the documentary “Corruption: harmful organism” by Pandora Box.

The social consequences of corruption, the independence of public employees, the possibility of receiving reporting alerts in the AVAF mailbox and the retaliation suffered by those who report corruption in the local administration focused the participation of the students.

Thanks to the collaboration of Professor Teresa Caballero, the Agency was able to be present in the classrooms of the IES Bernat Guinovart, showing the most outstanding functions related to the fight against fraud and corruption in the territorial area of ​​the Valencian Community of the AVAF.

#UnitedAgainstCorruption of the United Nations projects that “youth is the cryptonite of corruption” and the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency is committed to training in integrity among Valencian youth.

If you are a university, high school or 4th year ESO teacher in the Valencian Community and are interested in having the #DocuforumAVAF training activity carried out in your classroom, do not hesitate to contact the Training Service of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency through

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency participates in the training of prosecutors in matters of crimes against the public administration


Madrid, May 22, 2024.

Amparo Martí, head of the Support and Expert unit of the AVAF, has participated in the course “Crimes against the public administration” organized by the Center for Legal Studies of the Ministry of Justice in Madrid.

“Anti-Fraud Offices – introduction to public sector contracting” was the topic of the presentation given on Wednesday the 22nd from 4 to 6 p.m. by the head of the Support and Expert Unit of the AVAF.

This course, held on May 22 and 23 in Madrid, attended by 79 trainee prosecutors, is part of module 11 of the initial training corresponding to the 62nd promotion of the prosecution service carreer organized by the Center for Legal Studies from Madrid.

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, with its participation in this new CEJ initiative, consolidates its presence in the training of prosecutors with the aim of providing maximum specialization in matters of irregularities in public administration.

If you wish to have specialized training in integrity and corruption prevention in your public entity, do not hesitate to write to

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency exposes its work in the recovery of assets at the University of Valencia


Valencia. – May 16, 2024

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency participated in the I International Congress “Illicit gains and criminal justice system: a global perspective” organized by the University Research Institute in Criminology and Criminal Sciences of the University of Valencia.

Gustavo Segura Huerta. Director of Analysis and Research of the AVAF represented the institution with the contribution: “The role of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency in the recovery of assets.”

The conference took place in the Tomás S. Vives Antón room of the Faculty of Law of the University of València, with José León Alapont, professor of Criminal Law at the University of València, as their director.

The 90 people of the university community attending the conference, which took place on May 16 and 17, gathered around issues related to corruption, crypto-laundering and tax crimes, among others.