During the first week of February, the AVAF holds three sessions of #DocufòrumAVAF in the classrooms of the Faculty of Law of the University of Valencia


The #DocufòrumAVAF learning experience, created by the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency for the debate on corruption in the classrooms of the Valencian Community, is one of the most demanded training activities of the AVAF.

In the 2022-2023 academic year, the Faculty of Law of the University of Valencia has included the AVAF University Docufòrum activity in the Center Innovation Project (PIC).

The #DocufòrumAVAF is an activity aimed at promoting the social culture of civic ethics, public integrity, fraud prevention and rejection of corruption among students of all University degrees.

This week the AVAF Training Service carried out three #DocufòrumAVAF in the Law degree and the double Degree in Law and Political Science at the Faculty of Law of the University of Valencia.

On Tuesday, February 7, with 58 students of the Criminal Law I subject, with the collaboration of Professor Cristina Guisasola Lerma. And on Wednesday, February 8, with the students made up of 35 people from the second year of the double Degree in Law and Political Science, with the collaboration of the teaching staff: Mireia Molina Sánchez, professor of Administrative Law I, and Diego González Cadenas, professor of Constitutional Law II. Anselm Bodoque Arribas, head of the AVAF Training service, was responsible for energizing the sessions with the students.

After watching the documentary “Corruption: Harmful Organism”, the students ask questions, which in this case focused on the origin and causes of corruption, the social impact and collective costs it entails, the perception of corruption in our society and in other neighboring countries.
Subsequently, the AVAF representative discusses with the students the issues raised in their questions and others related to the need for greater public ethics and integrity, as well as prevention and civic training policies or the functions of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency and public policies to fight corruption.

The students especially insisted on the consequences and social costs of corruption, on corruption in local institutions, on the non-existence of a state agency, and on strategies to combat fraud and corruption.

The activity has been organized in collaboration with the University of Valencia, which we thank for its interest and willingness to help create a culture of public integrity and rejection of fraud and corruption.

If you are a university, secondary or baccalaureate teacher and you are interested in having the training activity #DocufòrumAVAF “Corruption: harmful organism” carried out in your subject, do not hesitate to contact the Training Service of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency through from training@antifraucv.es.

First #DocufòrumAVAF in a university extension course at the Faculty of Law of the University of Valencia


The collaboration of the Valencian Antifraud Agency with the universities of the Valencian Community is more and more frequent. In the 2022-2023 academic year, the Faculty of Law of the University of Valencia has included the AVAF University Docufòrum activity in the Center Innovation Project (PIC).

The #DocufòrumAVAF is an activity aimed at promoting a social culture of civic ethics, public integrity, fraud prevention and rejection of corruption among students of all University degrees.

On this occasion, a #DocufòrumAVAF was held in the university extension course “Participation of citizens in the Democracy of the European Union”, organized by the Jean Monnet Citizens’ Integration into European Union Democracy Module, whose director is the professor of Administrative Law of the University of Valencia, María Jesús García.

On Monday, February 6, 2023, the #DocufòrumAVAF took place, with the participation of 13 students from different degrees of the University of Valencia, with the collaboration of Professor María Jesús García. Marita Oliver, a training technician, was responsible for the AVAF for energizing the session with the students.

After watching the documentary “Corruption: Harmful Organism”, the students ask questions, which in this case focused on the origin and causes of corruption, the social impact and collective costs it entails, the perception of corruption in our society and in other neighboring countries, or why there is no institution similar to the AVAF at the state level.

Subsequently, the AVAF representative discusses with the students the issues raised in their questions and others related to the need for greater public ethics and integrity, as well as prevention and civic training policies or the functions and powers of the Valencian Agency. Anti-fraud and public policies to fight corruption in the Valencian Community and in Europe.

The students showed interest in how to report and the powers of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, in the need for control and prevention entities, as well as in the protection of public personnel who report possible cases of fraud.

The activity has been organized in collaboration with the University of Valencia, which we thank for its interest and willingness to help create a culture of public integrity and rejection of fraud and corruption.

If you are a university, secondary or baccalaureate teacher and you are interested in having the training activity #DocufòrumAVAF “Corruption: harmful organism” carried out in your subject, do not hesitate to contact the Training Service of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency through from training@antifraucv.es.

The Valencian Housing and Land Entity, ISTEC and the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency collaborate on public integrity training


The first of the training actions of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency in this year 2023 has been held with the Valencian Housing and Land Entity (EVHa), a public business entity attached to the Second Vice Presidency and Ministry of Housing and Bioclimatic Architecture of the Generalitat Valenciana.

A total of three training days, two in Valencia and one in the city of Alicante, have taken place in collaboration with EVHa due to the interest shown by the entity in public integrity training, after the approval of the anti-fraud measures plan of the institution.

The conferences have been entitled “Public integrity and risks in public management” and in them, the Training service has given all the sessions. The costs of corruption, the importance of the culture of public integrity and the anti-fraud cycle have been analyzed by Anselm Bodoque, head of the Training service, Pilar Moreno and Marita Oliver, AVAF training technicians.

The first of the sessions, on January 12, was inaugurated by the general director of the Valencian Housing and Land Entity, Rafael Eloy Montero Gosalbes, and the director of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, Joan Llinares Gómez. The director of the AVAF highlighted the work of the Agency as a collaborative and aid organization with a common objective with the rest of the institutions, to increase the prestige of the public administration.

From the instrumental public sector company of the GVA, ISTEC (Sociedad Infraestructuras y Servicios de Telecomunicaciones y Certificación SAU), a representation of its staff participated in the training session on Friday, January 13, due to their interest in increasing their training in public integrity.

The training session in Alicante took place on January 27, 2023 in the Assembly Hall of the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Alicante with the participation of staff at the service of the Valencian Housing Entity and the land of Alicante. The AVAF personnel posted to provide the specific training were Anselm Bodoque, head of the Training service, and Marita Oliver, a training technician.

The 110 attendees, at the service of the Valencian Housing and Land Entity and ISTEC, actively participated in the three days organized, of 4 hours each, through conferences and a practical workshop on conflict of interest that allowed debate and Reflection on the risk posed by the incorrect management of conflicts of interest.

Training in integrity and the fight against corruption and fraud in the public administration is essential as a prevention mechanism and in building a culture of organizational integrity.

The Agency thanks the Valencian Housing and Land Entity for organizing these training days, as well as the interest shown by ISTEC in participating in training on integrity and risks in public management.