The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency participates in the third edition of the University of Valencia’s Master’s Degree in Public Procurement and Compliance


On March 31, 2022, the Agency participated in the teaching of the Master’s Degree in Public Procurement and Compliance of the University of Valencia, in its third edition. Master with a multidisciplinary approach in which, in addition to the Agency, different entities and universities collaborate.

The director of the Agency, Joan Llinares, gave the talk “The function performed by anti-fraud agencies in public procurement” during the last session of the program of this third edition of the Master.

The objective of this training activity has been to raise awareness of the importance of public integrity and ethics to reduce fraud and corruption, by participating in a Master’s Degree in which students are specializing in the different particularities of public procurement, both from private and public perspective. The attention of the Agency has focused attention on the knowledge about risk behaviors that may end up constituting a crime in the course of preparing the administrative file, the award or execution of a public contract.

The director of the AVAF, Joan Llinares, began by contextualizing the anti-corruption policies in the international changes since the 1990s, to follow the regulatory framework in relation to corruption and focus on the development of the functions and actions of the Agency, emphasizing the importance of prevention for good administration, as well as the independence of the Agency.

The final part of the conference focused on the main risks of fraud and corruption that can occur in public procurement, emphasizing situations of conflicts of interest, illustrating in his presentation examples of malpractice that have ended up in court and with convictions.

The director of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency ended his speech by thanking the invitation from the University of Valencia and the co-director of the Master, Ángeles Jareño, and wished the students much success in their professional future.

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency carries out a training activity for the first time at the Universitat per a Majors de la UJI


On March 30, the AVAF was present, for the first time, at the Universitat per a Majors of the Universitat Jaume I of Castelló. This first training activity took place in the Seu del Nord de Vinaròs.

“The fight against corruption and the role of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency” was the title of the conference, given by Pilar Moreno, AVAF training technician.

After a brief introduction on the international context of corruption prevention, the representative of the Agency had the opportunity to convey the functions and work of the Agency in areas such as whistleblower protection and the analysis and investigation of fraud alerts.

The Universitat per Majors is a project of the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón to bring knowledge closer to society, with the aim of promoting permanent training throughout life.

 The participation of the Valencian Antifraud Agency in this session of the UJI Majors has been possible thanks to the collaborative relationship with the Universitat Jaume I, committed to the values ​​of ethics and good governance. The conference was held within the subject “Basic Notions of Local Law for Citizens” taught by university professor Jaime Clemente, belonging to the Observatory of Transparency and Good Governance of the UJI.

The session, in which the documentary “Corruption: Harmful Organism” was also viewed, was attended by nearly 20 people from the Universitat per a Majors. The figure of local government officials with national qualifications, as well as the regulation of gifts, were the aspects in which the UJI Majors students were most interested.

The AVAF, with this activity, continues to develop training activities with the aim of offering knowledge and raising awareness among citizens about the necessary culture of prevention and rejection of any conduct that encourages corruption.

The protection of AVAF whistleblowers among the issues of most interest to university students in the docuforum held at the University of Valencia.


On March 28, the training activity took place in the subject of Administrative Law II, in the third year of the Law degree, thanks to the collaboration of Professor Ylenia Díaz.

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency continues the activity of the University Docuforum in Valencian universities with the aim of bringing the debate on the importance of the fight against fraud and corruption closer to university students and empowering them to become protagonists in the eradication of this scourge of democracy.

The students asked more than forty questions and reflections of their own, after viewing the documentary “Corruption: harmful organism” that were answered during the training activity, by Anselm Bodoque, head of the AVAF Training Service.

The absence of a public state agency similar to the AVAF and the lack of policies against corruption in Spain as a whole similar to those developed in the Valencian Community in recent years, have been some of the issues that have most concerned the students; as well as the mechanisms for the protection of whistleblowers.

The students have also shown a special interest in knowing the work of the public servants of the local administration with national authorization and how they could help reduce bad practices in management, fraud and corruption. The technicians of the Agency’s Prevention Service, Carmen Domínguez and Mayte Gascó, explained the daily work and the main difficulties of the people who occupy this type of job and the value of their work in defending public integrity and the general interest.

Youth, who are undergoing a specialized training process and are called upon to occupy responsibilities in public management and in society, have a decisive value in building a strong culture of public ethics and integrity.

If you are a university, secondary or high school teacher and you are interested in having the Docuforum AVAF training activity carried out in your subject, do not hesitate to contact the Training Service of the Valencian Antifraud Agency through