#DocuforumAVAF begins its journey in Vocational Training at the IES Joan Fuster in Sueca


The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency visits Sueca, the capital of the Ribera Baja, with the #DocuforumAVAF activity at the IES Joan Fuster.

The students of the first year of the higher cycle of Administration and Finance with the collaboration of Professor Aurora Agud have been able to learn about the objectives and functions of the AVAF, created by “Les Corts” in response to the UN mandate through the Convention of United Nations against Corruption of 2003, ratified by Spain in 2006.

The viewing of the documentary “Corruption: Harmful Organism” on Pandora Box TV, in a first session, allows them to see first-hand testimonies from informants of corruption in the public sector and the reprisals to which they were subjected.

On Thursday, March 23, the AVAF training technician, Pilar Moreno, visited the IES Joan Fuster to share the #DocuforumAVAF learning experience with the students and resolve the doubts and questions of those present.

The existing control mechanisms in the public administration, as well as the economic effects of corruption in society, together with the creation of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency have been some of the questions formulated by the students participating in the training activity.

The Valencian Antifraud Agency through #DocuforumAVAF has the opportunity to show in the classrooms of schools, institutes and universities throughout the Valencian Community the work of promoting integrity and public ethics, as well as the protection of informants of corruption and the AVAF complaints mailbox.

If you are a university, high school or 4th ESO teacher in the Valencian Community and you are interested in having the training activity “Docuforum: Corruption, harmful organism” carried out in your classroom, do not hesitate to contact the training service of the Valencian Antifraud Agency through training@antifraucv.es

During the month of March, four #DocuforumAVAF have been carried out with third-year Law students from the University of Valencia


The #DocuforumAVAF is an activity aimed at promoting the social culture of civic ethics, public integrity, fraud prevention and rejection of corruption among students of all University degrees.

In the 2022-2023 academic year, the Faculty of Law of the University of Valencia has included the AVAF University Docufòrum activity in the Center Innovation Project (PIC).

On this occasion, the Valencian Antifraud Agency has discussed these issues with students of the third year of the Law Degree. Thus, on Wednesday, March 22, 2023, two new #DocuforumAVAF were held at the Faculty of Law, of the University of Valencia.

75 students from two groups of the subject of Financial and Tax Law participated in the training activity. The activity had the collaboration of Professor Jorge J. Milla Ibáñez from the Department of Financial Law and History of Law. Anselm Bodoque, head of the AVAF Training Service, was responsible for stimulating the debate sessions with the students.

After watching the documentary “Corruption: Harmful Organism”, the students ask questions focused on the origin and causes of corruption, the social impact and collective costs it entails, the different control bodies, and the perception of corruption in our society and in other countries around us.

Subsequently, the AVAF representative discusses with the students the issues raised in their questions and others related to the need for greater public ethics and integrity, prevention strategies and civic training, the functions of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency and public policies on fight against corruption, focusing part of the conference on the legal framework of integrity that the Valencian Community has built in recent years that allows the improvement of the democratic quality of the institutions.

Given the questions raised by the students about the protection of complainants, the Agency’s work in this regard was explained to them, and they took the opportunity to inform them of the obligations of the recently approved Law 2/2023, regulating the protection of people who report violations of regulations and the fight against corruption, which reinforce the Autonomous Law 11/2016 creating the Agency.

In the debate, the students showed interest in the guarantees of confidentiality, the investigation procedure, as well as the profile of the Agency’s staff.

The #DocufòrumAVAF learning experience, created by the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency for the debate on corruption in the classrooms of the educational centers of the Valencian Community, is one of the most requested training activities of the AVAF.

The activity has been organized in collaboration with the University of Valencia, which we thank for its interest and willingness to help create a culture of public integrity and rejection of fraud and corruption.

If you are a university, secondary or baccalaureate teacher and you are interested in having the training activity #DocufòrumAVAF “Corruption: harmful organism” carried out in your subject, do not hesitate to contact the Training Service of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency through from training@antifraucv.es.

The INAP and the AVAF continue their collaboration in the “Prevention of corruption in public administrations”


The new collaboration between the National Institute of Public Administration (INAP) and the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency (AVAF) has materialized in the third edition of the tutored online course “Prevention of corruption in public administrations”.

The INAP, an international benchmark in the training of personnel employed at the service of public administrations, has included for the third consecutive year in its 2023 Training Plan the course prepared by the AVAF Training Service.

Developed between February 20 and March 13, 2023, the tutored course, with mandatory readings and permanent online debates, incorporated new activities with respect to the two previous editions. Thus, for example, Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of people who report violations of regulations and the fight against corruption, of great impact on the subject matter of the course, was published and entered into force. once the activity started, which implied the need to adapt the course materials and discussions.

Along with the legislative developments regarding the protection of informants of corruption and the fight against corruption, there have been weekly online meetings, lasting one hour, which have served to clarify doubts and complete the contents of the course and have served to exchange information. information from the students.

60 people, public employees of the regional and, above all, state administrations, have actively followed the course in forums, jobs and weekly meetings. The 15-hour course has allowed students to learn about the work of the authorities in charge of preventing corruption, the IV Open Government Plan and the recently approved Law 2/2023, among other subjects.

The AVAF teaching team, creator and facilitator of the course, has been made up of Anselm Bodoque, head of the AVAF Training Service, Pilar Moreno and Marita Oliver, Agency training technicians.

With the holding of the online tutored course “Prevention of corruption in public administrations” the work of raising awareness of the importance of fraud prevention and the fight against corruption in the public sector at the National Institute of Public Administration is maintained. and the Valencian Antifraud Agency.