The UPV hosts the second day of the interuniversity course “Prevention of corruption risks in public management”
Last Wednesday, July 6, 2022, the second session of the course organized by the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency in collaboration with the five Valencian public universities took place in the Auditorium of the Polytechnic University of Valencia.
Jesús Marí Farinós, manager of the UPV, welcomed those present in the room and the participants connected online from the University of Valencia, the Jaume I University of Castelló, the Miguel Hernández University of Elche and the University of Alicante. The manager thanked the Valencian Antifraud Agency for its work and willingness to collaborate in holding this initiative.
Delia Cuenca Antolín, services inspector of the General Services Inspection of the Generalitat Valenciana (IGS-GVA), was the first of the speakers at the session and focused her presentation on the IGS-GVA methodology for making maps of risks and self-assessment of risks in public procurement.
José Luis Gaona, services inspector at the IGS-GVA, detailed the methodology used by the General Services Inspection, in relation to personnel management, and focused on the existing risks in the matter, such as, among others, the absence of planning, not detecting private activities, or singular remuneration systems.
More than 300 people followed, both in person and online, the conference on June 6 of the first interuniversity course on “Prevention of corruption risks in public management” held at the UPV and aimed at rectory teams, members of commissions of integrity and PAS personnel.
The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency thanks the conference speakers, Delia Cuenta and José Luis Gaona, for their predisposition and collaboration in holding this course and the Universitat Politècnica de València for all their work and infrastructure provided for the success of the conference.
The next session of the course will take place at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche on September 15, 2022 with the participation as speakers of Pilar Moreno and Mª Amparo Oliver, training technicians from the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency.