More than 150 people participate in the day organized by the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency on the occasion of the International Day against Corruption

Valencia, December 10, 2020.- One of the main risks of corruption identified is that which occurs when there is a conflict of interest in the development of public management activity. For this reason and given its importance, the conflict of interest has been the central axis of the conference organized by the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency…

Unisocietat in Quart de Poblet

On December 2, the Unisocietat program resumed its activity in the town of Quart de Poblet. Anselm Bodoque Arribas, head of the training service of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, was in charge of presenting the activities carried out by the AVAF to the attending public, who after the presentation held an interesting colloquium on transparency,…