Valencia, November 19, 2020.- The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency has published the final resolution on an investigation carried out by a complaint filed in July 2018 in which certain irregularities were collected in the management of the job boards of the Ministry of Justice, Interior and Public Administrations.
The denounced events refer to a selection process for occupational risk prevention technicians held in 2009 in which three positions were offered to three people, articulating their appointments through an extraordinary provision procedure.
For the performance of the positions, it was required, as stated in the List of Jobs (RPT), to be in possession of the title of Occupational Risk Prevention Technician-Safety and Industrial Hygiene at the time of taking possession.
As recognized by the Ministry of Justice itself, there is no evidence of compliance with the requirements demanded in the case of one of the selected persons.
In its final investigation brief, the AVAF urges the Department to proceed with the ex officio review of the acts incurred in cause of nullity of full right as well as to initiate the procedures to resolve the different responsibilities of the personnel and authorities at the service of public administrations.
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Final resolution of proceedings |
València, November 10, 2020.- The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency has published a final investigation resolution by which it is determined that the Alicante Fair Institution (IFA) must claim from the Popular Party of Alicante the payment of an invoice for party events held in the year 2009.
The investigation that began in June 2018 as a result of a complaint filed in the AVAF refers to the non-payment by the Popular Party of an invoice for the use of the fairgrounds for the celebration on April 25, 2009 of the Provincial Board of Directors of the party as well as a later dinner for 2,500 members.
The total amount of the invoice amounts to 8,359 euros, which, according to the evidence presented and the subsequent investigation carried out, has shown that neither the corresponding invoice was issued nor were any steps taken to collect it.
Initially, the actions of the AVAF were interrupted when the existence of a criminal procedure with identity of subject and object was verified and which, once completed and without verifying criminal responsibility, allowed the investigation that has concluded with this final resolution to continue.
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Final resolution of proceedings |
On Thursday, November 12, 2020, the 4th edition of the Universitats Seasonals program was held in Sagunto promoted by the Vice-Rector’s Office for Territorial Projection and Society of the University of València with the collaboration of the Valencia Provincial Council, the Sagunto City Council, Caixa Popular and the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency.
On behalf of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, the Director of Prevention, Training and Documentation, Sílvia Vèrnia, participated, who presented the conference sponsored by the AVAF that was given by Andrés Boix, professor of Administrative Law at the University of Valencia under the title “ Control and prevention of conflict of interest in the field of public management ”.
The conference brought together professionals from different fields who debated the keys to heritage management at a key moment in which the Sagunto City Council has presented the town as a candidate to become a UNESCO World Heritage Site.