The TSJ-CV agrees the inadmissibility of the appeal of the Orihuela City Council against the AVAF resolution

València, June 14, 2021.- The Third Section of the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Community has agreed to the inadmissibility of the appeal filed by the mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, against the resolution dated March 2, 2021 of the Valencian Antifraud Agency in which it assumes the realization of an expert report that had been requested by the Court of Instruction No. 1 of Orihuela in the Preliminary Proceedings that it is instructing.
The TSJ-CV argues in its inadmissibility agreement that the resolution of the Valencia Antifraud Agency is part of a criminal procedure and that it is carried out at the request of an investigating court, so said action is not administrative in nature.
Likewise, the Court reiterates that, even if said act had an administrative nature, it would not be open to challenge either, since it cannot be considered in itself a definitive act or an essential procedure.
The Valencia Antifraud Agency has prepared the expert report requested by the Court of Instruction No. 1 of Orihuela in the actions it is carrying out, in accordance with the provisions of its regulatory regulations. In the context of carrying out criminal investigation proceedings, investigation of cases and holding trials, related to the functions of the Agency and its scope of action, it may collaborate with the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Courts and the Tribunals, when so required. requires, through technical assistance and issuance of expert reports by the civil servant staff at their service, specialized in legal-administrative, economic, accounting and administrative control matters, and with in-depth knowledge of the administrations and their public sector and administrative procedures.

Anti-fraud agencies and offices demand a State Anti-Corruption Strategy

València, June 11, 2021.- The Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia, the Office for the Prevention and Fight against Corruption of the Balearic Islands, the Ethics Mailbox of the Barcelona City Council and the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency have requested the elaboration of a State Fighting Strategy against Corruption during the course of a webinar held jointly by all the offices.
National anti-corruption strategies is a tool that was already included in the United Nations Convention to Combat Corruption in 2003, which was ratified by Spain in 2006 and, in fact, Spain is one of the few countries that it lacks such a strategy.
The agencies and offices make this request since the Ministry of Justice is currently carrying out the transposition into the Spanish legal system of the European Directive 1937/2019 for the protection of whistleblowers and whistleblowers of corruption.
It is therefore a good opportunity to take advantage of this transposition work to develop a State Strategy to Fight Corruption, for which the agencies and offices offer themselves to the Ministry to contribute their knowledge and experience in this matter.
In the webinar, the channels and mailboxes for internal and external complaints that will be mandatory with the entry into force of the Directive both for companies with more than 50 workers as well as for all administrations and public bodies have been announced.
The webinar was moderated by Manuel Villoria, Professor of Political Science and Administration of the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, and the Director of the Balearic Office, Jaime Far; the Director of the Catalunya Office, Miguel Ángel Gimeno; the Director of the Barcelona City Council Ethics Mailbox, Rosa María Sánchez and the Director of the Valencian Agency, Joan Llinares.
The recording of the webinar is available on the channels of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency of

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The public control mechanisms of the Next Generation European Funds

On May 26, Quart de Poblet hosted the conference “The mechanisms of public control of European funds Next Generation”, given by the professor of Administrative Law at the University of Valencia, Reyes Marzal Raga.

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency actively participates in the Unisocietat program because it is an instrument to carry out training activities in a decentralized way, where the citizens of the different regions and localities of the Valencian territory are the protagonists of the debates and reflections that are generated.

Sílvia Vèrnia, Director of Prevention, Training and Documentation of the AVAF, presented the activity within the framework of the existing collaboration agreement between the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency and the Vice-Rectorate for Territorial Projection and Society of the University of Valencia. He also presented the Agency, insisting on its functions and independence, and explaining the general concern for the proper planning and management of European funds in the context of the European Recovery Plan.

Professor Reyes Marzal, presented the European Next Generation mechanism or, European Recovery Fund created to overcome the consequences of the Covid-19 health crisis.

The member states must approve their corresponding national plans, which establish their reform and investment programs until 2016. Spain has started this procedure with the approval of Royal Decree Law 36/2020, of December 30, which they approve the urgent measures for the modernization of the Public Administration and for the execution of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, “Plan España may” for 140,000 million euros.

He indicated the objectives of this plan, as well as the financial mechanisms to develop it and its conditions. Likewise, he made reference to the proposal of Spain in its central axes, policies, lines of action and the mechanisms of execution.

The conference was face-to-face, taking into account the anticovid measures established by the pandemic. The audience, 15 people from the UNISOCIETAT program in Quart de Poblet, was very interested in how European funds will be managed until 2026 and actively participated in the debate.

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