Memoirs of an anti-corruption prosecutor

València. June 22, 2022. June 23 marks World Corruption Whistleblower Day. As a result of this celebration, on Thursday, June 22, the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency organized a conference dedicated to the first anti-corruption prosecutor in Spain, Carlos Jiménez Villarejo, on the occasion of the presentation of his book “Memories of an anti-corruption prosecutor”.
The conference took place at the Colomina Palace and was attended by Carlos Granados, a Superior Court magistrate who was State Attorney General between 1994 and 1996. He is currently the director of the Municipal Office against Fraud and Corruption of the Madrid City Council.
The Superior Prosecutor of the Valencian Community, Teresa Gisbert, also participated in the act; the Minister of Justice of the Generalitat Valenciana, Gabriela Bravo, and the director of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, Joan Llinares.

You can see the session in the following link:

The Observatori Ciutadà contra la Corrupció and the Agency sign a collaboration agreement to carry out joint actions for the next 4 years

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency has signed a collaboration agreement with the Observatori Ciutadà contra la Corrupció, a civic association made up of different organizations such as Acció Cultural del País Valencià, Atelier, Ca Revolta, Societat Coral El Micalet, Escola Valenciana i Perifèries and the Plataforma Castelló per la Justícia i contra la Corrupció.

On behalf of the Observatori , Consuelo Vidal has signed the agreement and Joan Llinares has done so on behalf of the Agency and will be valid for 4 years.

The objective of the agreement is to establish a collaborative framework to develop different actions and activities for the fight against fraud and corruption and the promotion of good practices and ethics and public integrity.

Cooperate in training programs for technical, administrative and service personnel; organize seminars or conferences aimed at informing citizens, professionals and organizations of projects and measures that can help to disseminate crime prevention, as well as the fight against fraud and corruption.

Signing of an agreement with the City Council of Sant Vicent del Raspeig

The San Vicente del Raspeig City Council and the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community (AVAF) have sealed the first collaboration protocol between both institutions to start the development of different joint projects with the aim of reinforcing and uphold ethics and public integrity.

The document has been signed jointly by the mayor, Jesús Villar, and the director of the Agency, Joan Llinares, signing the action protocol. Likewise, the deputy director and legal services director of the AVAF, Teresa Clemente, the director of prevention and training, Víctor Almonacid, and different members of the municipal corporation were also present at the event.

The mayor, Jesús Villar, has highlighted that “from the City Council we work to combat corruption and bad practices. Of course, we believe that this agreement with the Agency, which we thank for its availability and predisposition to join forces, will allow us all to give the image that the residents of the municipality require, which is that there is neither corruption nor fraud in San Vicente del Raspeig”.

In turn, the director of the Anti-Fraud Agency, Joan Llinares, stated that “the signing of this protocol allows us to unite a common project to build an ethical and public integrity framework that allows us to work on the prevention and fight against fraud and corruption. The objective is to help institutions to be able to control, prevent and avoid misconduct that diverts resources, offering both tools and advice”.