The Valencian Antifraud Agency publishes a recommendation on the need for planning to prevent corruption in public administrations

Valencia, November 3, 2020.– The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency has published a recommendation that emphasizes the importance of planning as a key tool to prevent the risks of corruption in public administrations. Among the main risks of corruption detected is precisely the lack of planning of public policies and their management since without such planning the…

The Participation Council of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency approves a decalogue of principles to protect people who report corruption

Valencia, October 30, 2020.- A total of 14 entities and associations belonging to the Participation Council of the Valencian Antifraud Agency have approved a decalogue of principles that should govern the protection of whistleblowers and corruption alerters. These ten principles have been elaborated by the working group on the protection of whistleblowers and were submitted…

The Valencian Antifraud Agency publishes the final resolution on an investigation carried out by the payment of unjustified invoices by the Sueca City Council

Valencia, October 28, 2020.- The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency has published the final resolution on an investigation carried out by the Swedish City Council for the payment of unjustified invoices to several companies that provide services at the Sant Josep de Gent Major Residence. The investigation began with a complaint filed with the AVAF in December…