In 2021 the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency offered training to more than 1,800 people, 217% more than in 2020
Valencia, April 28, 2022.- The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency significantly increased the training activities organized during the year 2021 going from the 23 activities carried out during the year 2020 to the 43 carried out in 2021. This is one of the data that emerge from the Activity Report corresponding to the year 2021 presented by the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency a few weeks ago.
The number of people who participated in the training activities organized by the Agency went from 827 in 2020 to more than 1,800 people in 2021, which represents an increase of 217%.
This increase in training activities is a direct consequence, among other reasons, of the different collaboration agreements signed by the Agency with universities and other institutions that have allowed these activities to be carried out.
The central and priority objective of the training activity of the Agency is the training in an ethics and public integrity of the Valencian citizenship and for this the organized activities are mainly aimed at groups such as staff at the service of public administrations, university students and citizens in general.
With regard to the training of those people who work in the different Valencian public institutions, the Agency has participated as a teacher in 5 courses: 2 courses organized by the Diputación de Alicante on the Ley de Transparencia; a course in the Diputación de Valencia on the new challenges of public procurement; a selective tac course of the I nstituto Nacional de Administraciones Públicas (INAP), in addition to tutoring a complete course in this same institution on the prevention of corruption in the public administration.
Regarding the training activities developed in the university environment , we must highlight the 12 docufórum activities organized in the 6 universities of the Valencian Community in which a total of 445 students from different university degrees have participated.
As a result of the collaboration agreement that the Agency has maintained with the University of Valencia since 2020, it has allowed 12 activities of the Unisocietat program to be held in 12 municipalities of the province of Valencia in 2021 in which 379 people have participated. Within this same collaboration agreement, two specific conferences have been held, one on “Covid-19, rights and responsibilities” and another on “Protection of whistleblowers” held in Llíria and Torrent respectively attended by 233 people.
The training activity of the Agency has been completed with the participation in different congresses and conferences offering talks and conferences to publicize the work carried out by the Agency in the fight against fraud and corruption, the protection of whistleblowers of corruption, the frameworks of public integrity or the conflict of interest among other topics and issues addressed.
This information can be extended in the Agency’s 2021 Activity Report at the following link to the Agency’s website: