The Andalusian Office against Fraud and Corruption and the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency will collaborate in the study of the phenomenon of corruption

Valencia, October 11, 2023.-  The director of the Andalusian Office against Fraud and Corruption, Ricardo Vicente Puyol, and the director of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, Joan Llinares, have signed a framework collaboration agreement between both institutions. The objective of the agreement is to establish a permanent channel of communication and collaboration in order to improve…

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency participates in Vienna in a meeting with anti-corruption authorities from all over Europe

Valencia, October 3, 2023.- The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency has participated for two days in a working meeting with anti-corruption agencies and authorities from other countries belonging to the European Partners against Corruption (EPAC) and the European contact-point network against corruption (EACN). The meeting took place at the headquarters of the Anti-Corruption Office of the Ministry…

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency receives the visit of personnel of the Autorità Nazionale Anticorruzione of Italy (ANAC)

Valencia, September 22, 2023.- This Thursday and Friday, staff of the National Anti-Corruption Authority of Italy (ANAC) have been carrying out an exchange with the staff of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency. The objective of this activity is to share experiences and learn about the functioning of both bodies dedicated to the fight against fraud and…