Institutional meeting of the Agency with the Economic and Social Committee of the Valencian Community

Castellón, November 2, 2022.- The director of the Agency, Joan Llinares, met in Castellón with the President of the Economic and Social Committee of the Valencian Community, Luis Arturo León, with the aim of establishing institutional relations between both organizations. As a result of this meeting, several avenues of collaboration have been opened that will…

ISTEC and the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency sign a collaboration agreement to develop a framework for integrity and public ethics

Burjassot, October 25, 2022.- The commercial company Infraestructures i Serveis de Telecomunicacions i Certificació (ISTEC), pending the Ministry of Finance and Economic Model of the Generalitat Valenciana, and the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency have signed a collaboration agreement for the implementation of activities to prevent fraud and corruption and the promotion of ethics and public integrity.…

The professor of Political Science, Manuel Villoria, joins the Ethics Committee of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency

Valencia, October 27, 2022.- The professor of Political Science and Administration of the Rey Juan Carlos University, Manuel Villoria, has been registered as anexternal member of the Ethics Committee of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency. This incorporation completes the maximum number of members that this Committee can have and is made up of three people external…