New edition of Docufòrum organized by the University of Valencia and the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency

On November 20, a new edition of Docufòrum was held, organized by the University of Valencia and the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency. On this occasion, the Professor of Human Geography, Joan Romero; the director of the AVAF, Joan Llinares and professor Óscar Barberá who acted as moderator of the day.
This Docufòrum activity is aimed at students of political science, law and sociology at the University of Valencia and it analyzes the phenomenon of corruption and its consequences. To follow and participate in the debate, the students had previously seen the documentary “Corruption: harmful organism” in which some of the effects caused by this type of criminal activity are collected, so they actively participated with their suggestions and questions related to the same.

The University of Valencia and the Valencian Antifraud Agency sign an agreement to carry out prevention and training actions against fraud and corruption

València, November 24, 2020.- The Rector of the University of Valencia, M.ª Vicenta Mestre, and the Director of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, Joan Llinares, have signed an agreement by which both institutions will develop the project “Training activities for good government and citizenship in the Valencian territory ”.

The project’s objective is to train in “good governance” and is mainly aimed at local public entities and society, to address issues such as good governance, public integrity, conflict of interest or the risk of corruption, among other issues.

Among the activities that have been designed are the holding of 12 conferences in different locations in the province of Valencia within the Unisocietat Program. Also included in this agreement are 9 conferences at the headquarters of the Seasonal Universities that the University of València has in addition to holding a workshop in Gandía and the recording of an audiovisual within the Docufòrum program.

The agreement has a duration of two years with the possibility of extending it to two more years and the Valencian Antifraud Agency contributes the amount of 15,000 euros to cover the costs of the different training actions planned while the University of Valencia undertakes to facilitate the Researchers and the teaching staff necessary to carry out the project.

The event also had the participation of the vice-rector for Territorial Projection and Society, Jorge Hermosilla; the manager of the university, Juan Vicente Climent and the director of Prevention, Training and Documentation of the AVAF, Silvia Vèrnia.

Editable note in ODT format

Editable note in DOC en format

Unisocietat in L’Eliana

On Tuesday, November 17, 2020, a new session of the UNISOCIETAT program was held at the L’Eliana Municipal Adult Center, a project promoted by the Vice-Rector’s Office for Participation and Territorial Projection of the University of Valencia together with the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency .

The conference was presented by Silvia Vèrnia, Director of the Training and Prevention Area of ​​the AVAF, and was attended by the Professor of Political Science and Administration of the University of València, Pablo Oñate, who offered a conference with the title ” How to measure the quality of democracy: the Spanish case ”. Once the conference was over, a debate was started among all the attendees.

The objective of the UNISOCIETAT program is to provide training to all those who have a desire to learn by taking the university to different locations in our geographical area and on this occasion it has had the collaboration of the Valencia Provincial Council, Caixa Popular and the City Council of L ‘ Eliana.