126 people participate in the conference on unjust enrichment organized by Cosital Valencia and the Anti-Fraud Agency

Valencia. March 25, 2021. In order to share reflections and proposals for the necessary measures to redirect the path of unjust enrichment to its exceptionality, the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency in collaboration with COSITAL Valencia have organized a conference-debate. Under the webinar format, the session had speakers belonging to both external control bodies: Antonio Mira-Perceval Pastor,…

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency proposes to grant the status of protected witness to persons complaining of corruption in the Draft Law on Criminal Procedure

Valencia, March 11, 2021.- The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency has presented a set of allegations in the hearing and public information process opened by the Ministry of Justice in the process of preparing the Draft Law on Criminal Procedure. The amendments presented by the AVAF are aimed at the new Criminal Procedure Law taking into account…