Ivie Conference: “The economic costs of the institutional quality deficit and corruption in Spain”

The director of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency Joan Llinares, participated in the Round Table “The view from the judiciary, anti-fraud agencies and civil society on the present and future of corruption control in Spain” organized by the Valencian Institute of economic investigations – Ivie – within the Conference “The economic costs of the institutional quality deficit and corruption in Spain”, held on October 26 in Valencia, in which the present and future of the control of corruption in Spain.

Fecha de publicación: 06/11/2018

Act in the Presidency of the Generalitat

On October 16, the director of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, Mr. Joan Llinares, together with the Director of Prevention, training and documentation of the Agency, attended, at the invitation of the honorable Molt Mr. President of the Generalitat, to the presentation of the “Declaration of business initiative for ethics and good governance”, promoted by the Department of Transparency, Social Responsibility, participation and cooperation, together with the Business Confederation of the Valencian Community, the Council of Chambers of Commerce and the Federation of cooperatives of the Valencian Community.

In this act, the Declaration against corruption and in favor of business and institutional integrity was made public, to which a good number of companies have already joined.

From now on, the term is open for the entire business network of the Valencian Community to sign this Declaration.

Fecha de publicación: 17/10/2018

Presentation of the Complaints Box of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency

On May 24, the presentation of the complaints box and the virtual office of the public employee of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency took place.

This initiative has the most advanced prevention methods and is inspired by the computer systems developed by the  Fundación X-Net and GlobaLeacks.

All communicators using this mailbox can guarantee their anonymity by using the TOR browser, a tool that improves privacy and security on the Internet.

The event took place at the facilities of the Colegio Mayor Doctor Peset and was attended by the Director of the Agency, Mr. Joan Llinares and Mr. Manuel Serrat, director of information systems of the Agency.

The event was attended, along with various representatives of civil society, by Ms. Simone Levi from X-Net, Ms. Rosa Sánchez, director of analysis of the Barcelona City Council Transparency Office and Mr. Hervé Falciani, computer engineer , collaborator of this Agency.

Publication date: 06/22/2018