Act to commemorate the United Nations World Day Against Corruption

The Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community, an independent body attached to Les Corts, was created to prevent and eradicate fraud and corruption in Valencian public institutions and to promote integrity and ethics public. Also to promote a culture of good practices and the rejection of fraud and corruption in the design, execution and evaluation of public policies, as well as in the management of public resources as established in its creation Law.

Next December 10, on the occasion of the celebration of the United Nations World Day Against Corruption, the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency joins the group of entities of all kinds that celebrate this day under the motto «United against Corruption for the development of Peace and Security ».

For this reason, an event will be held in the auditorium of the ADEIT Foundation in which two lectures will be delivered by Magistrate Luis Manglano and Engineer Ms. Gracia Ballesteros who will discuss, on the occasion of this world day, how corruption It affects us all, taking into consideration that for its prevention and the fight against it it is necessary to apply a comprehensive approach. This event will also be transmitted in streaming through the Youtube channel of the Valencian Antifraude Agency and can be seen through its website.

The United Nations Convention against Corruption, in force since December 2003, is the first binding international instrument to combat corruption and constitutes a unique mechanism to tackle this global problem. Currently, the Convention has 177 States parties, which means that the majority of the United Nations member states have joined the fight.

As the United Nations itself states: “Corruption undermines the ability of governments to serve citizens by corroding the rule of law, public institutions and trust in leaders. Corruption acts as a brake on development and denies millions of people around the world the prosperity, rights, services and jobs they desperately need and deserve.

Valencia, December 5, 2018

Fecha de publicación: 07/12/2018

Participation of the Agency in the “Third International Seminar on Transparency” organized by the Transparency Agency of the AMB

Joan Llinares with Jean Louis Nadal President of the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life in France (11/09/2018)

On November 8 and 9 at the headquarters of the Barcelona Bar Association, the Third International Transparency Seminar is held, with the title «Integridad, público-privada para una nueva gobernanza,» organized by the Transparency Agency of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona (AMB).

In this seminar, Mr. Joan Llinares, director of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, participates in the round table on the «conflictos de intereses y la visión ética aplicada» and has the participation of leading national and international experts who will debate for two days on issues related to good governance, control bodies, public integrity policies and citizen participation in public affairs.

Publication date: 11/09/2018

Ivie Conference: “The economic costs of the institutional quality deficit and corruption in Spain”

The director of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency Joan Llinares, participated in the Round Table “The view from the judiciary, anti-fraud agencies and civil society on the present and future of corruption control in Spain” organized by the Valencian Institute of economic investigations – Ivie – within the Conference “The economic costs of the institutional quality deficit and corruption in Spain”, held on October 26 in Valencia, in which the present and future of the control of corruption in Spain.

Fecha de publicación: 06/11/2018