The Valencian Antifraud Agency presents its 2019 Activity Report
The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency presented yesterday, March 30, 2020, in the registry of the Valencian Courts, within the legally established period, the Annual Report of its activity corresponding to the 2019 financial year.
At a particularly difficult time for society as a whole, in which all attention is focused on maintaining the health of the population as a whole, it becomes even more important, if possible, not to lower our guard in monitoring those attitudes , facts and conducts that transgress the border of the law and public ethics and originate fraud and corruption. In this spirit, this Report is presented without any loss of energy and effort that the Agency puts into its daily work. In recent weeks, thanks to the implementation of telematic procedures, the Agency continues to develop its functions and purposes, and in compliance with them, it has prepared and presented the Report for the year 2019 to the Valencian Parliament.
In this document, the director of the Agency, Joan Antoni Llinares, gives an account of the actions carried out during the past year in the scope of its functions. The presentation of the Report is prior to the appearance of the director before the Commission of Economy, Budgets and Finance of the Corts, which may be carried out once the regular period of sessions resumes.
The Report includes, among other matters, an important task of classifying the complaints filed with the Agency, according to their subjective scope, communication channel, territory of concern, material scope, type and gender. A stabilization can be seen in the number of complaints filed (168 in 2019, compared to 181 in 2018 and 35 in 2017), and the verification of the massive use of the complaints mailbox (76% of the total of those made), as an anonymous tool and sure that the Agency makes available to all civil servants and citizens. Regarding their material scope, this focuses on human resources management and public contracting, with 40% and 25% of total complaints, respectively, which represents two-thirds of all complaints made.
During 2019, ten requests were processed to grant the status of a complainant, having granted said status on five occasions. The requests come mainly from civil servants of the Local Administration, but also from the Administration of the Generalitat, linked public sector and public law corporations. So far, the Agency has granted protection status to twenty people, with respect to whom it has followed up ensuring that they do not suffer reprisals as a result of the complaints filed, since in 2019 acts of harassment and harassment have been common. labor, appearances in courts and tribunals in defense of the general interest, negative economic repercussions that cause the necessary defense of their rights or forced changes of jobs.
The Agency has also made a significant effort in 2019 in terms of prevention and training, both internal and external, developing training materials that have been taken to the students of Valencian universities with two of which, the University of Valencia and the Cardenal University Herrera CEU, agreements have already been signed. Collaboration with the IVAP for the training of civil servants has continued. Likewise, circulars have been issued with recommendations addressed to elected officials in matters of public ethics, compliance with the law and prevention of corruption.
Three important milestones mark 2019, which are the approval of the Operating Regulations and internal regime of the Agency, the constitution of the Participation Council, an advisory and consultation body of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency and the approval of the Directive (EU) 2019 / 1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council, for the protection of persons who report infringements of Union law (whistleblowers).
From the Report, the conclusions and final reflections stand out. In them, they talk about the bankruptcy of objectivity and impartiality in the exercise of public functions, the need to carry out adequate institutional planning, the maintenance of integrity throughout the public procurement cycle and various strategies aimed at companies. public, the adequate management of human resources in the administrations and public sector, measures for the compensation of damages and losses caused to the common good, the transparency in the expenses and subsidies to the political parties, and finally the imperative need of transposition in Spain of the aforementioned Directive (EU) 2019/1937 for the protection of whistleblowers.
Complete report is available here
Press note is available here
For more information you can reach or by phone 962 787 450
València, 31 de marzo de 2020
Fecha de publicación: 31/03/2020