Master Conference of the director of the AVAF at the University of Salamanca

València, 2 de febrer de 2022.- The director of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, Joan Llinares, has given a keynote speech within the 48th Specialization Course in Law organized by the University of Salamanca.

The conference was entitled “The new legal framework of public integrity as a result of the Whistleblowers Directive and the HFP Order 1030/2021. The function of the Anti-Fraud Agencies” and is part of the “Compliance and management of legal risks” Program co-directed by Fernando Rodríguez-López, dean of the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the University of Salamanca

Taking advantage of the visit to Salamanca, both the director of the AVAF and the deputy director, Teresa Clemente, met with Eduardo Fabián Caparrós, director of the Master’s Degree in Anti-Corruption Strategies and Integrity Policies of the University of Salamanca, as a representative of the Study Group Against Corruption (GRESCO-USAL) and the Research Center for Global Governance (CIGG-USAL).

The representatives of both institutions have reviewed the different academic and research actions that have been carried out in recent months based on the Agreement signed last June between the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency and the University of Salamanca and outlined the lines of collaboration and work to be developed in 2022, taking advantage of the excellent results obtained from the internship carried out at AVAF in recent months by doctoral student Cristina Fernández González.

You can watch the conference here:

The debate on corruption in high school classrooms at the hands of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency.


The docuforum “Corruption: harmful organism” has returned to the classrooms of the “Nuestra Señora de la Salud – Maristas” school in Algemesí.

The interest and collaboration of the high school teachers led to the celebration of the learning experience where the 1st year high school students were the protagonists last Monday, January 31.

After viewing the documentary, the students expressed their interest in knowing in more detail the protection provided to whistleblowers of corruption by the Agency, as well as the microeconomic effects that corruption produces in our society.

The questions and doubts of the students were the focus of the second session of the training activity, led by technical staff from the AVAF Training Service. The information that students want to know in more detail becomes the roadmap for the classroom debate on the prevention of corruption and fraud. On this occasion, the facilitator of the second session was Pilar Moreno, the Agency’s training technician.

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency has taken the step of bringing the institution, its objectives and functions closer to ESO and Baccalaureate classes and providing young people with information on the fight against corruption, integrity and transparency.

If you are a university, secondary or high school teacher and you are interested in having the training activity “Docuforum: Corruption, harmful organism” carried out in the subject you teach, do not hesitate to contact the Training Service of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency at through

Dialogues at Avaf with Víctor Almonacid

The Head of the Institutional Relations, Communication and Participation Unit of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, Amalia López Acera, interviews Víctor Almonacid, secretary of the Alzira City Council, to talk about:
– Micro-corruption
– Electronic administration as a tool to prevent corruption
– Anti-fraud plans
– Ethics and public integrity

You can also listen to it on our channels:

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