On February 2, 2022, Joan Llinares inaugurated, together with Beatriz Gómez, Vice Manager of Economic and Services Coordination of the University of Valencia, the course “Prevention of risks of corruption in public management” managed by the Permanent Training Service and Educational Innovation (SFPIE) of the University of Valencia.
The AVAF Training Service has prepared a 15-hour course, at the request of the university, in which, over five weeks, selected UV personnel will receive training on integrity, corruption prevention, control, the costs of corruption, among other matters.
The teachers who will teach the five modules that make up the course are part of the staff of the Agency’s Training, Prevention and Documentation Department.
The interest of the university’s SFPIE in providing quality training in integrity and public ethics to UV staff is highly relevant and is manifested through this collaboration with AVAF.
In this first day of training and reflection together with the public employees participating in the course of the University of Valencia, the director of the Agency has taught the module on the institutional system against corruption in Spain: the Agency for Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community: origin, functions and independence.
Prevention and training are the key tools in the fight against corruption and essential functions of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency and where it focuses many of its efforts.
The responsibility of public employees, the need to plan in the field of contracting are some of the issues that have been present throughout the AVAF director’s conference.
33 people participate in this edition of the course, most of them technical personnel from the contracting services, legal advice, internal control office, among other services of the University of Valencia,
With this type of training activities, the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency continues to fulfill one of its functions, collected at the headquarters of the 2016 creation law, training as fundamental components of the strategy to prevent corruption and improve integrity in the public sector.