Last November the docuforum “Corruption: harmful organism” was held in the UJI’s European Union Law classrooms.
The viewing of the documentary, in a first session, generated a large number of questions and doubts about the alerts and risks of corruption that occur in public administrations and the protection of whistleblowers.
The Valencian Antifraud Agency is the only institution that has, among its functions, the protection and assistance to the whistleblowers. Currently there are 26 people who hold this condition in the AVAF.
The debate in the classroom, on November 11, was attended by a representative of the Agency, and was stimulated with digital tools for participation. This focused on answering questions from the students, giving all the prominence to their concerns, debates and doubts.
The Valencian Antifraud Agency, its antecedents and functions, among which is the analysis and investigation of the alerts that are received in the complaints channel, as well as the prevention and ethical awareness mechanisms, attracted the attention of 2nd year Law students. of the UJI.
A total of 32 students participated in person in this learning experience, where they were able to share the different perceptions they had of public administration, society and the institutional system; being aware, in addition, that young people and the whole of society can and should be agents of the fight against corruption to become active, conscious and free citizens.
The training activity has been coordinated by Professor Jaime Clemente and the training technician of the Training Service of the Prevention, Training and Documentation Area of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, Pilar Moreno García, with a two-day format, to provide a greater relevance of the debate around the interests of students in the fight against fraud and corruption.
If you are a university or high school teacher in the Valencian Community and you are interested in having the training activity “Docuforum: Corruption, harmful organism” take place in your classroom, do not hesitate to contact the training service of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency at through formacion@antifraucv.es.
Chronicle of the activity on the UJI website: https://www.uji.es/com/noticies/2021/12/2q/documental-dret-AVAF/