New edition of Docufòrum organized by the Miguel Hernández University of Elche and the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency

On January 8, a new edition of Docufòrum was held, organized by the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) and the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency. This Docufòrum activity was aimed at students in the fourth year of the Degree in Journalism, specifically in the subjects of Political Communication and Public Opinion, and Ethics and Professional Deontology.

The documentary, “Corruption: harmful organism”, around which the debate is articulated, gathers numerous doctrinal and civic contributions in matters of public ethics and citizen participation, it focuses on the account of the personal and professional circumstances of whistleblowers who have denounced irregularities and corruption cases. The exemplary value of these stories is a good pedagogical instrument to publicize the phenomenon of corruption, also closely linked to the function of protecting the whistleblower legally attributed to the Agency.

At the end of the documentary, the students took part in a final round table with the participation of Carmen López Rico, assistant professor of the Department of Social and Human Sciences in the area of ​​political science and administration, of the Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences and Lis Gaibar, doctoral student at the UMH with technicians from the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency.

Unisocietat in Ontinyent

On December 17, the city of Ontinyent, capital of the Vall d’Albaida region, held a new training activity within the Unisocietat program. This program, which is sponsored by the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, aims to stimulate debate and the exchange of information to develop mutual learning.

Silvia Vèrnia, Director of the AVAF Training and Prevention Area, was in charge of presenting the conference entitled “Teaching and learning the exercise of citizenship”, by Mª José Añón Roig, from the Department of Philosophy of the Dret and Politics of the University of Valencia.

The Unisocietat program, sponsored by the AVAF, is a project that aims to offer quality multidisciplinary training through classes and conferences given by professors from the University of Valencia.

Seasonal University in Ayora

On December 16, the Rector’s Office of the University of Valencia hosted the celebration of the Seasonal University of Ayora. A telematic broadcast for the health situation that had the sponsorship and participation of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency.

Anselm Bodoque Arribas, head of the training service of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, was in charge of presenting the conference sponsored by the AVAF and given by UV teachers, within the framework of the project ‘Activities for good government and citizenship in the Valencian territory ‘.

At the Ayora Seasonal University, a town famous for its beekeeping tradition and for the celebration of the First Honey Cut, the origin and historical evolution of the beekeeping practice was analyzed, paying special attention to the Valencian territory. In the same way, the current panorama of the sector and the challenges of the immediate future were discussed.