First course of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency with the Provincial Council of Castelló: “Prevention of risks of corruption in public management”


On May 23 and 30, the online sessions of the first course prepared and taught by the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency included in the training offer of the Castelló Provincial Council were held. The 6-hour online course, aimed at officials from the Castelló Provincial Council and the province’s municipalities, has had AVAF staff as teachers.

The director of the Agency, Joan Llinares, was in charge of opening the course with a reflection on the risks of corruption in public administrations. For his part, the head of the Training service, Anselm Bodoque, in the first session of the course presented the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption in the Valencian Community: origin, functions and independence. And in the second part of the session, he analyzed the costs of corruption and public policies against corruption in Europe and Spain, as well as an approach to institutional quality studies.

The second session of the course was given by the Agency’s training techniques to present the anti-corruption cycle. Pilar Moreno focused on prevention, the importance of public integrity and control systems in public institutions. Marita Oliver dedicated the second part of the session to the contingency of the anti-corruption cycle, as well as to presenting the AVAF complaints mailbox as an external channel for the administrations of the Valencian Community.

Thanks to the collaboration of the Castelló Provincial Council Training Service, the Agency has had the opportunity to share with public employees from the local administration of the province of Castellón and the Provincial Council itself, the importance of integrity plans, the institution to fight corruption and the anti-fraud cycle.

“Prevention of corruption in public administrations” The new collaboration between the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency and the National Institute of Public Administration.


L’Agència Valenciana Antifrau ha celebrat, per segona vegada, el curs en línia tutoritzat “Prevenció de la corrupció en les administracions públiques” en col·laboració amb l’Institut Nacional d’Administració Pública.

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency has held, for the second time, the tutored online course “Prevention of corruption in public administrations” in collaboration with the National Institute of Public Administration.

The INAP, a benchmark institution in the training of personnel employed by public administrations, included this course in its 2022 Training Plan, aware of the need to continue raising awareness and raising awareness of the importance of fraud prevention and corruption in the public sector.

The online course has been developed between May 9 to 29, 2022 and has had new activities and content, compared to the first edition held in October 2021.

In addition to legislative developments in the area of ​​prevention and fight against fraud and corruption, weekly one-hour conferences have been held, which have completed the contents of the course and have resolved doubts and expanded the information, responding to the interest shown by the students regarding different aspects of the course.

The more than 60 students who have actively followed the course in the forums and conferences are public employees of the local, regional and state administration, who provide their services in town halls, councils, ministries, AEAT, Social Security, Higher Sports Council, ADIF , CIEMAT (Center for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research) or the Court of Auditors, among other institutions.

Focusing on the strategies of prevention and fight against corruption in public administrations, the students have worked for three weeks on the most relevant concepts in the matter and obtain tools, recommendations and guides related to the prevention and fight against corruption. fraud and corruption in Spain. The contributions and reflections of the students have enriched the contents of the course and have highlighted some of the concerns of public servants in public integrity.

In the 15-hour course, the participants have shown special attention to the Spanish system of authorities in charge of preventing corruption, the IV Open Government Plan and Directive 2019/1937 on the protection of people that report on violations of Union Law and the preliminary draft presented by the Government of Spain, among other matters.

The AVAF teaching team, creator and promoter of the course, has been formed on this occasion by Anselm Bodoque, head of the Training Service, Pilar Moreno and Marita Oliver, training technicians of the Agency.

Unisocietat Requena debates on Next Generation funds


The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency participated on May 26, 2022, in the Unisocietat training activity of the University of Valencia organized in Requena to discuss the control of the Next Generation.

This activity is carried out within the framework of the collaboration agreement between the Agency and the University of Valencia and aims to raise social awareness of collective ethics and the prevention of fraud and corruption in all areas of public life throughout the Valencian territory.

The conference was given by the professor of Administrative Law at the University of Valencia, Reyes Marzal Raga, who delved into the Next Generation European mechanism or European Recovery Fund created to overcome the consequences of the Covid-19 health crisis. In this sense, it must be remembered that Spain, through Royal Decree Law 36/2020, of December 30, approved urgent measures for the modernization of the Public Administration and for the execution of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

During the conference, Professor Marzal analyzed all aspects of the new regulatory framework, and the need to articulate adequate control mechanisms to avoid cases of fraud or corruption.

The representative of the Agency, Anselm Bodoque, none of the Training Service, focused the speech by explaining the functions and independence of the AVAF, as well as talking about the complaint’s mailbox and the protection of people who, in the face of potential cases, alert about corruption. Likewise, he recalled that the annual economic costs of corruption and fraud in Spain are, according to the IMF, 60,000 million euros, an amount that multiplies by four the annual contributions that Spain will receive for the Next Generation funds in the next five years.

The conference was attended by 17 people in person and generated a debate on the difficulties of reporting based on fear, ignorance and the effects of reporting. The interventions of the attendees insisted on the value of the quality of public services, as well as on the social and economic costs of corruption.