On March 30, the AVAF was present, for the first time, at the Universitat per a Majors of the Universitat Jaume I of Castelló. This first training activity took place in the Seu del Nord de Vinaròs.
“The fight against corruption and the role of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency” was the title of the conference, given by Pilar Moreno, AVAF training technician.
After a brief introduction on the international context of corruption prevention, the representative of the Agency had the opportunity to convey the functions and work of the Agency in areas such as whistleblower protection and the analysis and investigation of fraud alerts.
The Universitat per Majors is a project of the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón to bring knowledge closer to society, with the aim of promoting permanent training throughout life.
The participation of the Valencian Antifraud Agency in this session of the UJI Majors has been possible thanks to the collaborative relationship with the Universitat Jaume I, committed to the values of ethics and good governance. The conference was held within the subject “Basic Notions of Local Law for Citizens” taught by university professor Jaime Clemente, belonging to the Observatory of Transparency and Good Governance of the UJI.
The session, in which the documentary “Corruption: Harmful Organism” was also viewed, was attended by nearly 20 people from the Universitat per a Majors. The figure of local government officials with national qualifications, as well as the regulation of gifts, were the aspects in which the UJI Majors students were most interested.
The AVAF, with this activity, continues to develop training activities with the aim of offering knowledge and raising awareness among citizens about the necessary culture of prevention and rejection of any conduct that encourages corruption.