The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency participated, on November 30, in the “III Congress on Compliance in the Public Sector” held in Madrid and organized by the World Compliance Association. The celebration of this Congress coincided in time with the entry into force of Order HFP / 1030/2021, of September 29, which configures the management system of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan and the approval requirement of an Anti-Fraud Measures Plan by any decision-making or executing entity of projects or sub-projects as a condition to receive the European “Next Generation” funds linked to it.
The Congress addressed the different regulatory elements that make up the prevention and fight against corruption, within the framework of European requirements in terms of institutional integrity, focusing on the importance of anti-fraud plans in the management and control of funds Europe, as well as various issues related to conflicts of interest, the anti-fraud cycle (detection, prevention, prosecution and correction), the importance of whistleblower channels as detection tools and the growing role of new technologies throughout the cycle anti fraud.
The event, directed by Concepción Campos Acuña, Secretary of the Vigo City Council, was attended by speakers with extensive knowledge on the subject and who are part of organizations such as: the University of Castilla la Mancha, the National Institute of Aerospace Technology, the Anti-fraud Office of Catalonia, the Office for the prevention and fight against corruption of the Balearic Islands, the Consello de Contas de Galicia, the Transparency Agency of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, the Legal Services of the Community Board of Castilla-La Mancha , the Mollet del Vallés City Council, the National Anti-Fraud Coordination Service, or the National Court, among others.
The representative of the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency, Irene Bravo Rey, Head of Prevention, focused attention on the control of the anti-fraud plan, explaining the different instances and control mechanisms, and emphasizing the necessary separation between the functions of management of the plans and their control, the confusion of both constituting one of the main vulnerabilities of the systems linked to European funds analyzed by OLAF, among other entities. Likewise, Irene Bravo focused on the need for every public entity to have an integrity plan that protects all types of public funds (not only European ones) and covers irregularities of an administrative nature, beyond risks of criminal corruption.